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보스톤 마라톤 역사를 바꾼 일화 in 1967
게시물ID : humordata_1984153짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : 변비엔당근
추천 : 6
조회수 : 1888회
댓글수 : 2개
등록시간 : 2023/04/19 23:55:56

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주위 남자 선수들이 말려서 끝까지 뛰게 되었다고 합니다.

그 이후 이 언니의 노력으로 

1972년 공식적으로 여성들도 마라톤에 참여 할 수 있게 되었답니다.

이 언니 이전에 바로 한해전에 오빠 옷 주서 입고 마라톤 뛴 언니도 있었어요.

그거에 용기를 얻은게 아닐까 하네요.


이언니는 그 이후 자기를 붙잡던 관계자랑 화해를 하게되고

그 관계자 아저씨는 여성 참여 스포츠를 많이 도왔다고 하는

감동적인 스토리입니다. 




In celebration of today's Boston Marathon, we're sharing the dramatic story of the first woman to officially run in the world's oldest annual marathon. Kathrine Switzer’s experience is a revealing illustration of the barriers that trailblazing women athletes had to overcome and of how far girls and women in sports have come in only a few decades. Switzer was a 20-year-old college student at Syracuse University in 1967 when she registered for the race using her initials, K.V. Switzer. Not realizing that she was a woman, who were barred from participating in the Boston Marathon for over 70 years, race officials issued her an entry number.

During the race, marathon official Jock Semple attempted to physically remove Switzer from the marathon after discovering she was female. Other runners, including Switzer’s boyfriend Tom Miller, blocked Semple and she was able to complete the marathon. Photographs of the incident and the story of Switzer’s participation in the marathon made global headlines. Switzer's record-setting run as the Boston Marathon’s first registered female runner came one year after the historic run of Bobbi Gibb, who disguised herself and snuck in to run the marathon in 1966.

After the marathon, Switzer became deeply engaged in efforts to increase girls’ and women’s access to sports and she and other women runners finally convinced the Boston Athletic Association to drop their discriminatory policies and allow women to participate in 1972. Today, nearly half of Boston Marathon entrants are female. Switzer also helped lead the drive for the inclusion of a women’s marathon in the Olympic Games -- a victory which was achieved at long last with the first women's marathon at the 1984 Summer Olympics in Los Angeles.

As for the individuals captured in this dramatic moment, Semple later publicly apologized to Switzer and the two reconciled. After the rule was changed to allow women in the marathon, he became a staunch supporter of women racers. Looking back at what she called the “great shoving incident," Switzer reflected, "these moments change your life and change the sport. Everybody’s belief in their own capability changed in that one moment, and a negative incident turned into one of the most positive.”

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