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아래 글쓴건데 다시 영작 한거좀 봐주세요
게시물ID : jisik_199096짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : 반대ㄴㄴ해
추천 : 0
조회수 : 285회
댓글수 : 1개
등록시간 : 2015/11/11 17:03:22
  • 본인삭제금지

Great meet you.


First of all, thank you for this opportunity to have an interview.


My name is 이름 and  years old.


I have very interested in Semiconductor and LCD Related fields and Repair of a device.


To look for work, I recognized 회사명. Then I find my future career to develop work


I have great adaptability, and I’m a faster learner.


therefore, I’m confident that I will get along well with my coworkers and adapt the new working environment.


I hope that we meet doesn’t end, I wish I can see a long time you.


thank you for listening my introduction.

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