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감자농사 짓다 마라톤에 참가한 클리프 영
게시물ID : humordata_1992358짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : 변비엔당근
추천 : 13
조회수 : 2206회
댓글수 : 6개
등록시간 : 2023/07/04 23:49:08

1983년 일이랍니다.

61세 클리프 영 아저씨가

호주서 울트라마라톤 544마일 (곱하기 1.6해서 킬로수 계산해 보셔요)에 참가 했다고 하네요.

전날 와서 자기 감자농장 하는데 장화 신고 훈련했다고

어릴때 며칠씩 쉬지도 않고 양 쫒아 다녀 봤다고 참여 의사라 밝여서 참여를

했다고 하네요.

첫날 결과는 꼴찌가 될게 분명애서

그날 밤 2시간만 자고 일어나서 

나머지 5일을 쉼 없이 뛰었다고 합니다.

다른 참가자들은 잘때 본인만 뛰어서

1등으로 경기 마쳤답니다.

2등보다 이틀 일찍 들어왔대요.








Just before the start of the 544-mile Sydney to Melbourne Ultramarathon in 1983, one particular runner caught the attention of the Australian media: a 61-year-old potato farmer named Cliff Young. He had shown up before the race wearing overalls and work boots, telling journalists that he had trained in his large rubber boots and had spent much of his childhood chasing after sheep, sometimes for days without rest.
Soon after the race began, Cliff Young fell behind the other runners and seemed on track to finish dead last. But after getting just two hours of sleep the first night, Young got back up and started running — and didn't stop. While the other runners stopped each night to sleep, Young kept moving continuously at his slow pace for five days straight. "I'm just an old tortoise," he said. "I have to keep going to stay in front." In the end, Young won the race in record time, smashing the previous mark by two whole days and leaving the entire world stun
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