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엣날얘기-산체로 가죽 벗겨진 판사
게시물ID : humordata_1992751짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : 변비엔당근
추천 : 24
조회수 : 2619회
댓글수 : 26개
등록시간 : 2023/07/07 09:49:40



기원 500년 페르시아에 시삼네스라는 썩은 판사가 있었는데 

뇌물 받고 판결내린게 들켜서

왕이 산체로 가죽 벗기라 했대요.

마지막으로 왕이 니 후임자 누구할꺼냐고 물었더니

와중에도 내 아들 이라고  대답했대요

시삼네스의 벗겨진 가죽으로 후임 오타네스 (시삼네스의 아들)가 앉을 의자를

입히라 했답니다. (uphoster)

오타네스는 그 의자에 앉을때마나 아부지에게 일어난 일을 기억해야 했고

그게 부폐한 판사에게 돌아오는 결과를 상기시켰죠.


(우리나라에 도입하면 괜춘을듯.)

A 16th century painting showing the skinning alive of a corrupt judge, Sisamnes, in the year 500BC.
Sisamnes was a corrupt royal judge at the time of Cambyses ll in Persia.
It was discovered that he took a bribe in court and passed an unfair judgement. As a consequence the king ordered that he be arrested for his corruption and ordered that he be skinned alive. Before passing judgement the king asked Sisamnes who he wished to nominate as his successor. Sisamnes, in his greed, chose his son, Otanes.
The king agreed and appointed Otanes to replace his father. He subsequently passed judgement and ordered that Sisamnes removed skin should be used to upholster the seat on which the new judge would sit in court to remind him of the potential consequences of corruption.
Otanes, in his deliberations, was forced to always remember that he was always sitting on the skin of his executed father. This helped to ensure fairness and equity in all his hearings, deliberations and sentences.
Credited to Nah Militant
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