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게시물ID : humordata_2004856짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : 변비엔당근
추천 : 17
조회수 : 2968회
댓글수 : 10개
등록시간 : 2023/11/24 21:13:52



겨울에 너무 추워서 저렇게 침대장을 만들어 들어가 문 닫고 잤대요. 구들장 뜨끈뜨끈한 맛을 몰랐겠죠. 불쌍.


In the cold winters of northern Europe, houses were difficult to heat, then some forgotten craftsman gave him a bed to build, almost like a closet, where to hide from the cold of the night, when the last chills of the family fire went out, real woodworking were these beds of one or two compartments, which from 16 for centuries protected non-claustrophobic Europeans from night ice.The box bed, which originated in the late medieval period, appeared in different forms throughout Europe: there are examples from Britain, Scotland, Austria, the Netherlands and Scandinavia. In some places they were used until the 20th century, which makes sense when you consider the cold European winters and houses where the warmth came only from a wood fire. And even before electricity, people simply didn't heat their homes that much, so being cold outside also meant being cold inside.

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