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게시물ID : humordata_2018658짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : 변비엔당근
추천 : 11
조회수 : 3016회
댓글수 : 6개
등록시간 : 2024/06/07 23:21:50


1948 시카고에서 실제로 있었던 일이랍니다.

부모가 둘다 실직했고 방세를 못 내서 쫒겨 나게 생겼대요.

정말로 애들 팔라고 한건지 도움 받으려고 사인 올린건질 모르지만.

신문에 기사 가 나가고 나서

사람들이 직업이나 돈으로 도움을 주게 되었답니다.

그렇게 해피 엔딩이 아니라

2년뒤 1950년에 아빠가 집을 나가고

엄마는 다른 사람이랑 데이트를 하면서

애들은 버려 졌답니다.

2명은 입양되가고 2명은 팔려 2달라 (현시세로 22달라)에 팔렸답니다.

사진 찍은 당시에 엄마 뱃속에 있던 애기도 입양되었답니다.


참 슬프네요.

The above photo was taken in 1948 in Chicago, United States. It shows four siblings and their mother at the entrance to their house. In front of them is a gigantic sign saying: “4 children for sale inquire within.”

As it happens, the photo was real and the children were indeed on sale. Their parents, Ray (forty) and Lucille (twenty-four) Chalifoux were both unemployed and poverty-stricken. They were facing eviction from their apartment for not paying the rent.

It’s possible that the sign “4 children for sale” was just a cry for help. Once the newspapers around the country published the story, help actually came in form of job offers, apartments, and money.

Nobody really knows what happened in the following two years. However, in 1950, father Ray left and the family fell apart. Mother Lucille began dating a man who didn’t want anything to do with the children, therefore she gave them away.

Lana was adopted, RaeAnn and Milton were sold for $2 (around $22 in today’s value), and Sue Ellen was adopted. Bedford, who was still in his mother’s womb at the time the photo had been taken in 1948, was adopted as well


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