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침팬지 근육
게시물ID : humordata_2019102짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : 변비엔당근
추천 : 12
조회수 : 3318회
댓글수 : 8개
등록시간 : 2024/06/15 22:44:14

448305358_122116525634319634_6458145399657361868_n (1).jpg

털 빠지는 병 (알로피시아) 걸린 침팬진데여.

근육이 다 보이져.

침팬지는 인간이랑 DNA가 98-99 퍼센트 같다고 합니다.

버뜨 근육은 인간에 비해 (같은 크기의 근육이라고 칠때) 1.35에서 1.5 배 강하대여.

그리고 인간에 비해 페스트 트위치 파이버가 많답니다. (이거는 대따 큰 근육으로 순간적 힘 쓸때 사용하는 근유타입이여)

여튼 힘 더 쎄단 소리예여


This image isn’t from a science fiction film; it’s an actual photograph of a chimpanzee with alopecia, a condition that leads to hair loss.

Chimpanzees are remarkably similar to humans, sharing about 98 to 99 percent of our DNA. However, their physical strength is on another level.

The key to their impressive power lies in the composition of their muscles. Chimpanzees have a higher proportion of fast-twitch muscle fibers, which are longer and denser compared to those in humans.

This difference gives them a strength advantage, making their muscles approximately 1.35 to 1.5 times stronger than human muscles of equivalent size.

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