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[묻힌 명곡]Radiohead - Black Star
게시물ID : music_29530짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : kidneybean
추천 : 6
조회수 : 499회
댓글수 : 1개
등록시간 : 2011/10/29 22:10:53
라디오헤드의 수많은 명곡들 중 하나이지만, 왠지는 모르게 띄워지지가 않았군요; I get home from work and you're still standing in your dressing gown well what am I to do? I know all the things around your head and what they do to you. what are we coming to? what are we gonna do? blame it on the black star blame it on the falling sky blame it on the satellite that beams me home the troubled words of a troubled mind I try to understand what is eating you I try to stay awke but its 58hrs since that I last slept with you what are we coming to? I just don't know anymore. I get on the train and I just stand about now that I don't think of you I keep falling over I keep passing out when I see a face like you what am I coming to? I'm gonna melt down
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