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Radiohead - Climbing Up The Walls
게시물ID : music_29541짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : kidneybean
추천 : 1
조회수 : 314회
댓글수 : 0개
등록시간 : 2011/10/30 00:30:27
정말 OK Computer에 있는 노래들은 모두 명곡이군요 I am the key to the lock in your house that keeps your toys in the basement, and if you get too far inside you'll only see my reflection. It's always best when the choir is out, I am the pick in the ice, do not cry out or hit the alarm, we are we're friends till we die. And either way you turn I'll be there, open up your skull, I'll be there climbing up the walls. It's always best when the light is off, it's always better on the outside, fifteen blows to the back of your head fifteen blows to your mind So tuck the kids in safe tonight, and shut the eyes in the cupboard. do not cry out or hit the alarm, you'll get the loneliest feeling that either way you turn I'll be there, open up your skull, I'll be there climbing up the walls. Climbing up the walls. Climbing up the walls. 그리고 믹스 버전들도 좋음 Zero 7 Mix Fia Brazilia Mix
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