업데이트를 위한 서버 다운이 예정되어 있습니다. (3일 밤12시 자정)
약 3~5시간정도 걸린다고 합니다.
서버 채팅에 뜬 공지엔 5시간이라고 나왔습니다.
아래는 전문입니다.
ArcheAge NA Game Update: 10/3/14 at 8:00 AM PDT (GMT-7)
The North American ArcheAge servers will be unavailable at 8:00 AM PDT (GMT-7) on Friday, October 3 for a game update to ArcheAge Version 1.2 Build 4.11. The servers should be accessible again within 3-5 hours.
In-game announcements will be sent in advance of the servers going offline. Thanks for your patience!
업데이트 내용은 아래와 같습니다.
* Chatting in the Faction, Shout, Trade, Need Party, and Nation chat channels is now restricted to characters that are level 15 and higher.
* The Kraken has toughened its tentacles and now can only be damaged by siege weapons (including ship cannons). Prepare for a harder encounter with the terror of the deep, adventurers!
* Healer weapons have been added to quest rewards.
* Healer weapons have been added to Hasla weapons, redeemable using [Faded Compassion Token]s.
* Warehouses can now be expanded to a maximum of 130 slots.
* Only active trial participants may speak in Trial chat.
* Some mount icons have been updated to differentiate them.
* Added a space between the colon and text in whispers for better legibility.
* The [Seal-Point Sabrefang] battle pet is refusing to grow up and become an adult sabrefang. XLGAMES is teaching it that all little battle pets need to grow up some day. Be sure to hold onto your [Seal-Point Sabrefang], it’s being fixed!
This update is about 150 MB and will be available for download via Glyph during the announced EU and NA server outages. Please visit our
Server Status forum for details.