영어문젠데요..ㅠㅠ 풀었는데 맞는지좀 확인해주시구요ㅠ 틀린부분이 어디가 어딘지좀 정확히 말해주실수있을까요?ㅠㅠ 부탁드립니다...ㅠㅠ
Ⅰ. 다음 주어진 문장을 형용사에 유의하여 빈칸을 채우시오. 1. 나는 그 키 큰 병사를 보았다. I saw he tall soldier. 2. 그녀는 영어로 서진 책을 읽고 있었다. She was reading a book written in English. 3. 그녀는 부상을 당한 병사를 간호했다. She nursed the attacked soldier 4. 나무 아래에서 놀던 생쥐는 그 소리에 깜짝 놀랐다. The mouse playing under the tree was surprised at the sound. 5. 그는 독일에서 만든 차를 하나 샀다. He bought a new car made in Germany.
Ⅱ. 다음 문장에 O, X 표시하고 틀린 부분을 고치시오 1. The policeperson caught the thief steal the cash. (X) 2. There are lots of falling leaves on the ground. (X) 3. He is respect by her. (X) 4. The window was broke by the child. (X) 5. I was surprising at his success. (X)
Ⅲ. 다음 영문을 우리말로 옮기시오 1. Anyone interested in purchasing the picture should contact the manager. → 그 그림 구입에 흥미가 있는 누군가는 직원과 접촉해야한다. 2. The situation was very confusing to me. → 상황은 나에게 매우 복잡해졌다. 3. I was amazed at the sight. → 나는 그 시야를 보고 놀랐다. 4. That company needs experienced business consultant. → 그 회사수요는 비즈니스 컨설헌트에 경험이 있다. 5. Please review the attached notice. → 제발 붙여진 통보를 복습해라. 6. Employees working in the Accounting Department are so diligent. → Accounting 백화점에서 일하는 고용주들은 매우 근면하다. 7. All staff members remaining in the building after work must leave. → 모든 직원멤버는 빌딩 안에 남겨진 반드시 떠나야 한다. 8. We are planning to meet some buyers interested in our product. → 우리를 만날 계획이 있는 바이어들은 우리제품에 흥미가 있다.
실전문제 1. Many thoroughbred horses in the vicinity of the Kentucky River. (A) are raising (B) are raised (C) raised (D) raise 답 : (B) 해설 : 2. that the matter could not be dealt with until all the facts were known. (A) Pointing (B) To the point out (C) The point (D) It was pointed out 답 : D 해설 : 3. "They say that the clerk is a liar." " to be a liar." (A) The clerk is said (B) It is said that he is (C) The clerk says (D) It is said him 답 : A 해설 : 4. Some feeds such as pasture grasses and certain cereal grains are cattle. (A) farming specifically for (B) specifically farned (C) farmed specifically for (D) farm specifically 답 : C 해설 : 5. "Don't touch the papers." "Certainly. I"ll the papers be touched." (A) make (B) do (C) not let (D) not allow 답 : C 해설 : 6. "They tell me you're the King of the Tennis. You must be a tennis champ. You see all those players there, watching me play." "Well, I have continually beaten every one of them." (A) to depress (B) depressing (C) depress (D) depressed 답 : D 해설 : 7. "Your daughter has two children, doesn't she?" "That's right. she in 1980" (A) did marriage (B) was marry (C) married (D) is married 답 : C 해설 : 8. Most species of octopus color quickly. (A) can change (B) can be changed (C) changing (D) that change 답 : A 해설 : 9. The cement and sand are first mixed thoroughly, . (A) then water is added (B) then the adding of water is followed (C) then added is the water (D) then the water add 답 : A 해설 : 10. "Your radio doesn't work." "Yes, It does. The plug . just plug it in." (A) isn't connecting (B) hasn't connection (C) doesn't connect (D) isn't connected 답 : D 해설 : 11. Dictionaries very in size from one small enough to carry in your pocket to A B the very large unabridging dictionary that you can scarcely lift. C D 답 : C 해설 : 12. Some years ago, Mt. Mitchell, the highest summit east of the Mississippi, A B was covered in a magnificent forest. C D 답 : C 해설 : 13. When I grown up, I spent every summer helping out on my grandparents' A B C D farm.
답 : A 해설 : 14. This phenomenon has described so often as to need no further remarks on A B C D the subject here.
답 : B 해설 :
15. Lincoln reached Washington at six o'clock on February 23, but word of his A B arrival was keep secret until after the train from Harrisburg had reached C D Baltimore.