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Tommy Bolin - Savannah Woman
게시물ID : music_32072짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : 8비트
추천 : 1
조회수 : 433회
댓글수 : 0개
등록시간 : 2011/12/02 12:35:30
Savannah woman dressed in white, Stands out of tropical rains. She pulls her gin and tonics tight, And curses her lonely domain. Brazilian winds blow warm in Rio, A white estate they call 'The Nada'. Meant for her soul or so she says, Hides her sadist gin made eyes. No one knows but me how she left me so behind. Savannah woman I could never leave you so unkind. Snow white and with desire, that vamp from the magazine. Cold and distant as the moon, why can't she burn like fire?
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