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Opinion: China’s economic miracle is over
China’s deepest fear was unemployment, and the country’s interior remained impoverished. If exports plunged and unemployment rose, the Chinese would face both a social and political threat of massive inequality. It would face an army of the unemployed on the coast. This combination is precisely what gave rise to the Communist Party in the 1920s, which the Party today fully understands. So, a solution was proposed that entailed massive lending to keep non-competitive businesses operating and wages paid. That resulted in even greater inefficiency and made Chinese exports even less competitive.
China’s problem is no longer economic — its economic reality has been set. It now has a political problem: how to manage massive disappointment in an economy that has become simply ordinary. It also must determine how to manage international forces, particularly the U.S., that are challenging China and its core interests.
중국 실업률 문제는 이제 경제문제가 아니라 정치적 불안요소로서의 문제입니다.
경제보복에 한국이나 미국에서 대응해봐야 중국은 별 피해 없어~~ 라고 주장하고 싶은 마음은 알겠는데,
현실에 기반한 주장을 하는 게 좋지 않을까요?
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