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스압,데이터] 대 마상시합황금 전설 카드,대 마상시합 데이터 추출
게시물ID : hstone_23533짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : asdf12345
추천 : 5
조회수 : 1430회
댓글수 : 8개
등록시간 : 2015/08/18 14:45:05



일반카드들은 출처로 가시면 보실수 있습니다. 





황카 애니메이션, 8월 보상 움짤은 아래 글에 있어서 생략

11:33 새로운 사운드 추가
11:40 신규 게임판 프리뷰 추가

대 마상시합 - 게임판 프리뷰

대 마상시합 - 새로운 소리/대사

배틀넷 3.0

현재 2.8버전이 아닌 배틀넷 3.0버전에 대한 일부 데이터들이 있습니다.

윌프레드 피즐뱅 & 군주 자락서스 상호작용
대 마상시합의 신규 카드인 윌프레드 피즐뱅과 군주 자락서스 사이의 상호작용이 존재합니다!

신규 일일 퀘스트
선술집 난투와 각 직업의 3승 퀘스트가 추가되었습니다!

Everybody! Get in here! - 선술집 난투 5회 승리 - 보상: 60골드

드루이드 승리 드루이드로 3승 - 보상: 50골드

사냥꾼 승리 - 사냥꾼으로 3승 - 보상: 50골드

마법사 승리 - 마법사로 3승 - 보상: 50골드

성기사 승리 - 성기사로 3승 - 보상: 50골드

사제 승리 - 사제로 3승 - 보상: 50골드

도적 승리 - 도적으로 3승 - 보상: 50골드

주술사 승리 - 주술사로 3승 - 보상: 50골드

흑마법사 승리 - 흑마법사로 3승 - 보상: 50골드

전사 승리 - 전사로 3승 - 보상: 50골드

카드 변경

지옥 절단기
"카드를 3장을 버립니다(discard)."에서 "카드를 3장을 제거합니다(remove)."로 바뀌었습니다.

※신규 카드 중에 Tiny Knight of Evil(2 마나, 3/2, 악마, 희귀, 흑마법사)
카드 한 장을 버릴때마다 +1/+1를 얻습니다. 라는 카드가 있습니다.

협동 모드 가능성

서로 함께 우두머리와 싸우는 걸로 보이는 테스트 문자열들이 추가되었습니다.

VO_HRW_TEST_00 - I will cleanse you both of the Curse of Flesh!

VO_HRW_TEST_01 - Well done! You've defeated the boss together.nnBoth players win!

VO_HRW_TEST_02 - Defeat Gearmaster Mechazod together to win!

VO_HRW_TEST_ABILITY_00 - Damaging a hero.

VO_HRW_TEST_ABILITY_01 - Destroying highest attack minion.

VO_HRW_TEST_ABILITY_02 - Throwing 3 bombs.

VO_HRW_TEST_ABILITY_03 - Damaging all other characters.

VO_HRW_TEST_ABILITY_04 - Gaining 2 attack.

VO_HRW_TEST_ABILITY_05 - Dealing damage to both heroes.

VO_HRW_TEST_ABILITY_06 - Silencing Lorewalker Cho. Permanently.

VO_HRW_TEST_ABILITY_98 - Target board full. Clearing target board.

제작 이벤트값(Crafting Event)

모든 대 마상시합 카드들은 "tgt_normal_sale"값과 함께 "crafting event(제작 이벤트)"표시를 가지고 있습니다. 이 말인즉슨, 이 카드들은 아래의 문자열들이 표시되며 바로 제작할 수 없는것 같습니다.

GLUE_COLLECTION_CARD_CRAFTING_EVENT_NOT_ACTIVE - Oops! That card cannot be crafted or disenchanted right now. Please contact Customer Support.

GLUE_CRAFTING_EVENT_NOT_ACTIVE_DESCRIPTION - {0} cards cannot be crafted or disenchanted yet.


신규 선술집 난투 카드

낼 수 있는 카드들

Wild Magic - 영웅 능력. 상대편 직업의 주문 카드 중 무작위로 선택된 한 장을 내 손으로 가져옵니다. 그 카드의 주문은 (0)이 됩니다.

Choose a New Card! - 무작위 카드 3장을 미리 봅니다. 하나를 선택하여 내 손으로 가져옵니다.

Choose a New Card! - 무작위 카드 3장을 미리 봅니다. 하나를 선택하여 내 덱에 섞어 넣습니다.

Tarnished Coin - 이번 턴에만 마나 수정을 1개 획득합니다.

OLDPvP Rogue - 은신 PvP 도적이 하수인 하나를 처치할때 은신을 다시 얻습니다.

OLDN3wb Tank - 1 마나 2/2 - 도발

OLDN3wb Mage - 1 마나 2/1 - 내 턴이 끝날 때, 무작위로 선택된 적 하수인에게 피해를 1 입힙니다.

OLDN3wb Healer - 1 마나 1/1 - 내 턴이 끝날 때, 양 옆의 하수인들로부터 2의 피해를 회복합니다.(At the end of your turn, heal 2 damage from adjacent minions.)

OLDLegit Healer - 3 마나 2/2 - 내 턴이 끝날 때, 이번 턴에 죽은 무작위로 선택된 아군 하수인 하나를 소환합니다.


Boss HP Swapper

Choose One of Three

Create 15 Secrets

Deckbuilding Enchant

Endless Enchantment

OLDTBST Push Common Card - 각 플레이어에게 공통 카드 하나를 줍니다(push).(Push a common card into player's hand)

TBUD Summon Early Minion - 내 턴마다, 상대편보다(then?) 내 체력이 적다면, 하수인 하나를 소환합니다. (Each turn, if you have less health then a your opponent, summon a free minion.)

신규 "대사" 이미지들
서로 다른 캐릭터들에 대한 일부 새로운 "대사" 박스가 클라이언트에 추가되었습니다.

신규 난투 배경 이미지


시즌 보상
보물 상자 등급 보상은 다음과 같이 구별됩니다.

5등급 이하, 10등급 이하, 15등급 이하, 20등급 이하.

카드 텍스트

※한글로 된 이름은 정식으로 번역된 텍스트이며(하스스톤 페이스북 페이지 참조.), 그 외에는 원문 그대로 사용했습니다.

화염창 - It's on the rack next to ice lance, acid lance, and English muffin lance.

인형 의식 - Burning man, brah.

영웅의 넋 - And he can't get up.

Arcane Blast - Now with 100% more blast!

Polymorph: Boar - It's always Huffer.

Dalaran Aspirant - Is he aspiring or inspiring? Make up your mind!

주문사수 - Does he sling spells, or do his spells linger about. Who can say?

콜다라 비룡 - The Grand Tournament has a "No dragons allowed" policy, but it's rarely enforced.

로닌 - A masterless shamurai.

Ram Wrangler - Not getting trampled is really the trick here.

신성한 용사 - She really likes seeing people get better. That's why she hurts them in the first place.

Spawn of Shadows - What did you expect to happen? He's a Spawn. Of Shadows.

Power Word: Glory - The promise of glory is a powerful tool to get minions to do your bidding. Only slightly less powerful than the promise of an ice cream bar!

Shadowfiend - Hopes to be promoted to "Shadowfriend" someday.

Convert - "Are you interested in... HEALTH benefits?!"

혼란 - This minion is really powerful!

Twilight Guardian - A result of magical experiments carried out by the Black Dragonflight, it's not his fault that he's a vicious killer.

Confessor Paletress - She sees into your past and makes you face your fears. Most common fear: Getting Majordomo out of Sneed's Old Shredder.

공포마 - Crescendo himself summoned this steed, riding it to victory in the Grand Tournament. Wherever he rides, an army of riders ride behind him, supporting the legendary champion.

Fearsome Doomguard - They were originally called Cuddleguards, but they were not inspiring the proper amount of fear.

Tiny Knight of Evil - "No, no, no. I asked for a tiny JESTER of evil."

자락서스의 주먹 - * Not actually Jaraxxus' fist.

Void Crusher - We like to call him "Wesley".

악마의 기운 - Very dangerous when attached to a demonbomb.

Dark Bargain - A prime example of lose-lose negotiating.

격노수호병 - After playing against 5 Annoy-O-Trons, any normal guard will become a Wrathguard.

윌프레드 피즐뱅 - He can summon anything, even a FEARSOME DOOMGUARD*. *He's pretty sure this is going to work out.

음영파 기수 - He needed a break after that business in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms. Naturally, he chose to spend his vacation in an icy snowscape killing monsters.

Buccaneer - The best part of buccaneering is the pants.

Undercity Valiant - Almost went to play for Stormwind before signing with Undercity.

소매치기 - He has a giant collection of purses now. One for every outfit!

Shady Dealer - I have great deal for you... for 4 damage to your face!

도둑질 - Yoink!

독 묻은 칼 - How much more poisoned can a blade get? The answer is a lot. A lot more poisoned.

Beneath the Grounds - Can you hold these eggs for just a second? I promise they're not full of giant enraged undead spider things.

아눕아락 - Was actually a pretty nice guy before, you know, the whole Lich King thing.

살아있는 뿌리 - 2 out of 2 saplings recommend that you summon the saplings.

다르나서스 지원자 - She loves mana crystals, she hates mana crystals. So fickle!

흉포한 전투원 - Maybe if you whistle a tune it will soothe him. Yeah... Try that.

Wildwalker - She was born to be something. She is just not quite sure what yet...

Knight of the Wild - He gets a discount on the tournament entry fee because he is his own horse.

칼날이빨의 드루이드 - That's saberTEETH, not like curved pirate blades. That's a different kind of druid. Druid of the Curved Pirate Blades.

천공의 교감 - Hey! Moon! Can I have some mana crystals?

Mulch - Is this a noun or a verb? We will never know.

아비아나 - Call her "Tweety". She'll find it real funny. I PROMISE.

투스카르 토템지기 - Turns out the tuskarr aren't real choosy about their totems.

드레나이 토템술사 - It's nice to find a real craftsman in this day and age of mass-produced totems.

치유의 물결 - Favored by shaman who study the art of restoration and healing, this spell would feel smug, if it had feelings.

썬더 블러프 용맹전사 - Allowing totems to attack is not cheating. I mean, there isn't anything in the rule books about it.

충전된 망치 - You can only pick it up if you are worthy.

Elemental Destruction - I'm not a shaman or anything, but isn't Elemental Destruction the opposite of what they want to do?

토템 골렘 - What happens when you glue a buncha totems together.


The Mistcaller - Calling the mist doesn't sound all that great. "Ooooh, it is slightly damp now!"

순간 치유 - Flash! Ahhhhhhh~

Powershot - pow POW pow

Stablemaster - Takes way better care of her pets than her brother, Unstablemaster.

King's Elekk - Elekk jousting is AWESOME.

용감한 궁수 - This is a "bearly" concealed reference.

Bear Trap - You'll never guess what's in that conveniently bear-sized, bear-smelling box.

장전 완료 - Rexxar narrowed his eyes, grabbed his machine gun, and said: "It's go time. Lock and load." This card pays homage to that special moment.


Acidmaw - With the help of his trusty sidekick Dreadscale, the giant jormungar Acidmaw is ready to face any knight!

Dreadscale - Let's be clear about this: ACIDMAW is the sidekick.

강타 - You might think bashing doesn't take a lot of practice. It doesn't.

왕의 수호검 - "King's Attacker" is a shield. Funny, huh?

Orgrimmar Aspirant - "Four out of three orcs struggle with math." - Angry Zurge

Magnataur Alpha - Playing him also gets you into the Magnataur Beta.

고무 - The best offense is a good defense.

Sparring Partner - Come at me, bro.

하늘선장 크라그 - What's more boss than riding a parrot with a jawbone for a shoulderpad while wielding a giant hook-lance-thing and wearing a pirate hat? NOTHING.

알렉스트라자의 용사 - "Put more spikes on her. No, more spikes. What part of 'more spikes' do you not understand? MORE SPIKES!" - Alexstrasza

바리안 린 - Leader of the Alliance! Father of Anduin! Also he likes to play Arena, and he averages 12 wins.

Competitive spirit - Competition can be an inspiration to improve oneself. Or kill all the competitors.

Seal of Champions - "Arf! Arf! Arf!" - Seal of Champions

전투마 조련사 - He doesn't even get Sundays off. Every day he's hostling.

Murloc Knight - Hee hee! Look at his cute little feet.

은빛십자군 창 - The stripes make it look like a candy cane, but we recommend against licking it.

Enter the Coliseum - You have to get past the vendors first. So many are lost to shopping...

Mysterious Challenger - He may sound surly and antisocial, but he's actually just really shy.

주둔지 사령관 - He'll never admit it, but he pushes you hard because he really cares about you.

성기사 에드릭 - Nobody rocks a monocle like Eadric.

풋내지 종자 - But not the lowliest!

Dragonhawk Rider - Check it out. You can do barrel rolls on this thing.

창 운반꾼 - Lance Carrier is an obscure entry level position in orcish armies. A mystery, since orcs don't generally use lances.

호수의 여신 - Not a good basis for a system of government.

Saboteur - Listen all y'all it's a saboteur!

은빛십자군 기수 - His horse's name is Betsy.

Mogor's Champion - This champion has learned from the best. Except for his target selection.

Boneguard Lieutenant - Underneath all that impressive armor, he's just skin and bones. Okay, maybe just bones.

무클라의 용사 - An elegant gorilla, for a more civilized age.

마상시합장 의무관 - The medic tournament is less entertaining than the Grand Tournament.

Ice Rager - He's a lot cooler than Magma Rager.

Frigid Snobold - Ironically, the natural enemy of the snobold is THE CANDLE.

불꽃 곡예사 - At first he liked juggling chain saws, but then he thought, "Flames are better! Because FIRE!"

고요한 기사 - He used to be a librarian. Old habits die hard.

태엽돌이 기사 - It takes a lot to wind him up.

Tournament Attendee - He was so excited to get season tickets to this year's Grand Tournament. He normally doesn't get them at first and has to buy them from Ogre scalpers.

Sideshow Spelleater - Hey! Let me try that...

코도 기수 - Someone called her a Rhinorider, and she's NOT HAPPY.

은빛 성기사단 섭정 - The Silver Hand is the best paladin organization. The Argent Crusaders are super jealous.

Pit Fighter - What did the pits ever do to you?

Captured Jormungar - You can keep him, but you have to promise to feed him and clean out his tank every day!

북해 크라켄 - You have no idea how tired this guy is of being released.

투스카르 창기사 - Just could not be talked out of using his turtle for the joust...

부상당한 크발디르 - Don't worry. With a little skin cream he's going to clear right up.

빛의 용사 - When there's something strange (say, a gibbering demon) in your neighborhood, who are you going to call?

중무장 전투마 - Yep. It's a horse... wearing armor... going to war.

은빛십자군 경비병 - Who argent watches the Argent Watchman?

경기장 관리자 - Meets monthly with the gladiators to discuss career goals.

Refreshment Vendor - Menu: Funnel cakes, carrots, popcorn, jormungar steaks. It's hard serving a diverse clientele.

위대한 창기사 - Needs just a few more ratings points to become Grandmaster Jouster.

Recruiter - Join the Argent Crusade! We have attractive tabards and you get to carry really nice swords!

Evil Heckler - To be honest, heckling is not the most effective form of evil.

Fencing Coach - Good fencers make good neighbors, right?

Wyrmrest Agent - Keeping tabs on the Grand Tournament is priority #1 for the five mighty Dragonflights!

마상시합 진행자 - Goes by "MC ElfyElf".

고위 성전사 - A veteran of a number of crusades, she is a force for light and goodness. Her latest crusade is against goblin telemarketers.

Kvaldir Raider - Coming soon... to a tuskarr village near you!

서리 거인 - Don't ask him about the beard. JUST DON'T.

마상시합 유명인 - The crowd ALWAYS yells lethal.

꿰뚫는 자 고르목 - Gormok has been giving impaling lessons in a small tent near the tournament grounds. For only 25g you too could learn the fine art of impaling!

Chillmaw - Chillmaw keeps trying to ruin the Grand Tournament, and she would've done it too, if it weren't for those dang kids!

Bolf Ramshield - Bolf keeps coming in 2nd at the Grand Tournament. It might be his year this year, if Lebron doesn't enter.

얼음울음 - This massive yeti just closes his eyes and charges at the nearest target. The nearest Target is a couple blocks away and has sick deals on skateboards.

연합용사 사라아드 - The ethereals have their own jousting tournament, and Saraad is the reigning champion. Also he won the ethereal hot dog eating contest.

해골 기사 - Apparently it really was just a flesh wound.

피욜라 라이트베인 - LOVES being called "the wonder twins".

바다의 학살자 - A little better than Sea Minus Reaver.

아이디스 다크베인 - HATES being called "the wonder twins".

심판관 트루하트 - It's like putting racing stripes and a giant spoiler on your hero power.

가젯잔 창기사 - It's not HER fault you didn't put a spinning saw blade on your horse.

클라이언트 문자열


출처 http://bbs2.ruliweb.daum.net/gaia/do/ruliweb/default/news/3449/read?articleId=1820771&bbsId=G003&itemGroupId=44&pageIndex=1

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