---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Ann Landers: I just read the letter from "Greensboro," whose husband died suddenly of a heart attack. She was so grateful that they had had sex the night before, even though she was "not in the mood" and tired. Her letter was a re-freshing change from the letters you've printed from women who find sex "unhygienic and messy." If all a man gets in a marriage is holding hands and cuddling, he may as well live with his sister or mother. Why go to Paris if you're not going to see the Eiffel Tower? It doesn't make any sense to me. -- A Baffled Canadian Dear Canadian: It doesn't make any sense to me either, but when you get as many letters as I do, you're bound to see a cross section of humanity ranging from the ridiculous to the sublime. I'm not complaining. I feel privileged to have a ringside seat to life, and I receive many more sublime letters than ridiculous ones. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1. Her letter was a re-freshing change from the letters you've printed from women who find sex "unhygienic and messy." 2.but when you get as many letters as I do, you're bound to see a cross section of humanity ranging from the ridiculous to the sublime. 이부분해석좀..
그리고 전체적으로 이게무슨 상황인지..,이해좀시켜주셔요.. ★★★제가 이해한 그림은,
누군가 죽은남편과 대단히 만족스러운 성생활을 했단 편지를읽었습니다 그리고 바람직하다고 여겼죠 이전의 난잡한 섹스만을 찾는 사람들이 올린 글만보다 보니까 말이죠. 만약에 결혼한 남자들이 섹스를 안하고 손만잡고 자거나 안고만 자면 고자죠-_- 왜 안할꺼면 옆에눕습니까 말이안되는거죠
캐나다인에게: 예 존나 이해안되요 그렇지만 편지로는 단편만 볼뿐이라 나는 불평따윈 없ㅋ어ㅋ 나는 좋은자리 가졌음 왜냐면 좋은편지들을 더 많이 받았거등 ㅋ
이게 뭐죠.. 대충 알것도 같은데 문장문장마다 심하게 생략이 되있는 느낌을 지울수가없네요 해석실력이 딸리는건지..이해력이 부족한건지..