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게시물ID : star_248767짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : Ludacrismas
추천 : 11
조회수 : 3547회
댓글수 : 31개
등록시간 : 2014/08/28 04:12:35

here we go
another day another song
it's about society
and how it's doing us all wrong
ain't it funny how the rich stay
and get more rich
and the poor stay poor screamin
damn life's a bitch
it feel's like everytime
i get close to comin up
the law of gravity
pulls me down
shit that's just my luck
but the reality may
never get better
because the sun don't shine
it's just all this
rainy weather
somebody tell me
how to keep the faith
and stay true
and tell me
why i shouldn't shikes
for money
just like you do
i'll tell you why
cause in the end
only the strong survive
i'll be the only man alive
and where you're headed
to riches don't mean shit
so remember life is what you
make not what you take of it

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