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놀라운 착시
게시물ID : humorbest_249111짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : 마이아이
추천 : 32
조회수 : 8610회
댓글수 : 11개
베스트 등록시간 : 2009/10/16 14:54:16
원본글 작성시간 : 2009/10/16 12:27:33
우선 사진의 점을 지긋이 바라봐요 좀 있다 사진이 바뀌게 되는데 컬러사진이 나와요 그럼 눈을 감고 점에서 약 1.3cm 정도 되는 지점을 봐요 원문 - This is one of the better optical illusions I saw lately. Image below is infact animated gif, which loops forever. What you have to do, is look at the blue and yellow negative, and then after 30 seconds or so, the photo of a mountain will appear . Eventhough the mountain you see is greyscaled (black & white), your eyes are tricked and image looks like it’s in full-color (until you move your eyes though…) This fascinating work was created and subitted to us by John Sadowski and you should check John’s website to find even more innovative posts like this one! - 출처 www.moillusions.com
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