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[노래펌]밤에는 역시 무서운 노래를 들어야죠ㄷㄷ
게시물ID : pony_25321짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : NamU
추천 : 3
조회수 : 263회
댓글수 : 1개
등록시간 : 2013/01/11 22:07:17





her name Is pinkamena diane pie
and she is here to draw a number
please not mine, im afraid
of the smile she wears
thoughts unknowing

I went to the store I saw her with straigtened hair
with a grin upon her face but was she really there?
I noticed her eyes so empty yet bold
then suddenly she snapped to me and chilled my very soul








우선 이게 첫째 동영상입니다 영어를 몰라도 분위기 자체가 무서운 노래죠


하지만 이 노래는 또 다른 버전이 있습니다










See where the
blood shines

He must fancy
he let us live
to snare his neck noose
It not a sin, only I knew
Im Evil, Let me show them
see a face come off
I may rue nothing
and its me against the world

see how you.... see you
wear me out

Remember the sparks here
We share someone here for me
I'm alivee

its not stealing my mark
cutie is it
shush now may I ask honey Your lips
its a meal near





그렇습니다 백워드 마스킹이죠



좋은 밤 되세요^^

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