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대부분 일반 유저들의 인식대로 암드만 비동기방식을 지원하는게 아니다.
엔비디아의 맥스웰 2.0 아키텍쳐(9xx시리즈 이상)도 31개의 비동기 쉐이더를 지원한다.
Read more: http://wccftech.com/nvidia-amd-directx-12-graphic-card-list-features-explained/4/#ixzz3kccUxSrd
A feature level will however, usually require a similarly named API to access its features in their entirety. So basically, all GPUs conforming to FL 11_0 through FL 12_1 can run the DirectX 12 API completely and fully. The much hyped about advantage that is the reduction of CPU overhead – everyone will get that (provided you fall in the FL 11_0 to 12_1 band). The thing is however, these new GPU had new hardware features, something that only the DirectX 12 API can finally access: so new standards had to be created: namely FL 12_0 and 12_1.
Graphic cards supporting the following feature levels can run DirectX 12. The qualifying requirement for the particular feature level itself is also given:
FL 11_0: Supports Resource Binding Tier 1 and Tiled Resources Tier 1
FL 12_0: Supports Resource Binding Tier 2, Tiled Resources Tier 2 and Typed UAV Tier 1
FL 12_1: Conservative Rasterization Tier 1 and Raster Order Views (ROV)
Now that we know what the definitions are, here is the complete specification table of all IHVs with released hardware (including the latest Skylake iGPU and GM200):
Read more: http://wccftech.com/nvidia-amd-directx-12-graphic-card-list-features-explained/3/#ixzz3kcfsOo3Z
각 제조사의 아키텍쳐별 dx12 지원 현황
암드의 현재 모든 라인업은 비동기 쉐이더를 지원하지만 엔당은 맥스웰 2.0에 와서야 31개의 Queue를 지원하기 시작했다. 이것도 암드의 64개에 비해서는 적지만 Maxwell 2.0의 dx12성능은 암드와 동일하거나 조금 좋다.
Read more: http://wccftech.com/nvidia-amd-directx-12-graphic-card-list-features-explained/5/#ixzz3kcdUGoIu
Read more: http://wccftech.com/nvidia-amd-directx-12-graphic-card-list-features-explained/6/#ixzz3kcebEYxF
No hardware vendor can claim 100% support of all hardware features and the differences are usually negligible in nature. If one is deciding by features observable by the end user and gaming experience, the vote might fall in favour of Nvidia with its Feature Level 12_1 support which will allow advanced illumination visual effects in next generation games. That said, there are ways to simulate the effects without much of a performance hit for Radeons as well. If we are talking about performance increase (in terms of untapped potential, not maximum potential) then an argument can be made for AMD with its ASync advantage.
Read more: http://wccftech.com/nvidia-amd-directx-12-graphic-card-list-features-explained/7/#ixzz3kcfSri9g
요약하자면 암드든 엔당이든 인텔이든 dx12를 다 지원하는게 맞고 사용자의 체감 성능 차이만 존재할 뿐이다.
현재 nVidia만 FL12_1표준을 지원하고 있다.
암드 조차도 FL12_0까지 밖에 지원하지 못하고 있는 상황이다.
출처 | http://wccftech.com/nvidia-amd-directx-12-graphic-card-list-features-explained/3/ |