1차출처 레딧:http://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/2eyrqr/i_rendered_milo_manaras_spiderwoman_pose_in_3d/
2차출처 트위터:https://twitter.com/RationalWiki/status/505704762021777408
레딧을 살펴보니, 그림의 각도와 모델링의 각도가 차이가 있다고 합니다.
트위터나 글쓴이의 별다른 코멘트가 없어서 그냥 넘겨봤는데 다음부턴 댓글을 더 꼼꼼히 읽어봐야겠네요 ㅠㅠ
- I'm not trying to mean about the work done to make this reproduction but it seems to be very obvious that the head and neck are definitely different angles to the original picture. The back leg at a different bend, the front right arm at a different angle and the most obvious of all is the left arm and elbow that is extremely in the wrong position. It looks like just the butt is the same as the original. I feel that those might make for the weird result in the final picture. I apologize for any typos, grammar mistakes in advance, gone without sleep for a couple of days.
글 삭제 할까 하다가ㅏ... 그래도 저 모델링이 사실이 아니더라도, 그냥 봐도 재밌는거같아서 삭제는 하지 않을게요.
단.. 저 모델링과 표지가 동일한건 아니라는 점!!