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게시물ID : freeboard_268449짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : 안산리나졸리
추천 : 2
조회수 : 155회
댓글수 : 5개
등록시간 : 2007/11/23 20:39:18

*I Remember




I remember
the way you glanced at me
Yes, I remember

I remember
when we caught a shooting star
Yes, I remember

I remember
all the things that we shared
and the promise we made just you and I

I remember
all the laughter we shared,
all the wishes we made upon the roof at dawn


Do you remember?
when we were dancing in the rain in that december
And I remember

when my father thought you were a burglar

I remember
all the things that we shared
and the promise we made just you and I

I remember
all the laughter we shared,
all the wishes we made upon the roof at dawn




Yes, I remember.
all the things that we shared
and the promise we made just you and I

I remember
all the laughter we shared,
all the wishes we made upon the roof at dawn

I remember

the way you read your books
Yes, I remember

the way you tied your shoes
Yes, I remember

the cake you loved the most
Yes, I remember

the way you drank your coffee
I remember

the way you glanced at me
Yes, I remember

when we caught a shooting star
Yes I remember

when we were dancing in the rain in that december
and the way you smile at me
Yes, I remember






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