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게시물ID : science_27211짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : 에이씨
추천 : 0
조회수 : 521회
댓글수 : 1개
등록시간 : 2013/11/20 20:36:58
Lonely Tao-guy—a LAN-rut—consumes solo, (w/enemas, too) facsimile'd a note, made lot to gnaw. Sat some killer, appalled? Livered nun at a snide literature. Not I, nor a camel. Cat's box.
I'm late! Icosahedron fetish, table one! In word game, rips reply—"bistros!" No claim on Ibsen. I max enigmas. Labor-genre: velcro. Give Gauss a yam to trek Iberia; no bed (a sneer, acrid and, alas, a node) Camelot-systemic, if far. Trek, O jalapeño!
Terror-reflex elicits a crash! One vessel, water. Animal pooh. Emit debt, acid; a monetary 'N.' At a sign, I zig; eleemosynary task. Satyr, any? Some? Elegizing is, at any rate, nomadic at bedtime-hoopla. Minaret, awless even. Oh sarcastic ilex! Elf error! Retone, pal.
A joker. Traffic. I met systole. Macedon, a salad-nadir: careens a debonaire biker-tot, may assuage vigor. Clever! Negro balsam gin examines binomial consort Sibyl: perspire, mag, drown (i.e., Noël bath-site). Fnord, eh? A societal mix-obstacle, macaroni. Tone-rut a-retiled in Satan, under evil dell, apparel like most. A swan got to Leda, met on a deli. Misc. afoot. Same? New? O loss! Emus (nocturnal), a Yugo, a Tylenol
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