Thank you for signing up to be on Axent Wear's email list! We are launching our Indiegogo TODAY and wanted to let you know! Be the first to pre-order a pair of your very own cat ear headphones by clicking here. We need all the support we can get to make this crowd funding successful and turn these headphones into a reality! And be sure to check out our slick video. See you there!
Tell your friends by sharing our Indiegogo on Facebook!
The Axent Wear Team
하루도 안되서 목표금액달성 ㄷㄷ..
궁금한게 잇는데 이거 펀딩끝나고 나서도 따로 계속 살수잇는건가요 ?..
펀딩하면 먼저 받아볼수 잇는건가...
보니까 예상 배송일이 april 2015 ㅋㅋ..