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[발번역]큐티마크 크루세이더즈에게 물어봐!! - 84~89 -
게시물ID : pony_2748짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : 설사
추천 : 12
조회수 : 1174회
댓글수 : 2개
등록시간 : 2012/09/10 00:11:07

- 84 -

Sweetie: Hello there, tumblr friends...

                It's been a while, huh...? I'm sorry but... crazy things have been happening here...

Sweetie: Oh...right.

                In case you guys don't recognize me... I'm Sweetie Belle...

Sweetie: I... lost my horn... and all my fur...

                I'm hideous...

                I think Scootaloo and Apple Bloom are... busy, right now...

               But I... still can answer your questions if you want me to...

Q: Sweetie are you ok?

Sweetie: Yes... I...

                 I'm alright...


Sweetie: Definitively Border Collie.

Q: Sweetie Belle!? Have you been brushing Your Pretty Little Mane?! It's VERY Important You Know!


- 85 -

Q1: nononononoo! Please don't cry Sweetie! Uh do you want a hug?

Q2: Hey Sweetie Belle do you need a hug?

Sweetie: Yes...

                I want hugsies...

Q1: Hey Sweetie Belle, even without your fur and horn, you still are the cutest filly ever. 

      So dry up those tears and give me a smile :)

Q2: Your still adorable to me Sweetie Belle.

Q3: Sweetie Belle, you don't need your mane and fur to be beautiful! 

      We all love you no matter what, and we still think you're amazing! <3

Q4: I don't think your an ugly pony. If anything, you look like a cute little puppy.

Sweetie: I... love you all...

Q: So how does it feel being an Earth Pony?

Sweetie: Hmmm...

Sweetie: I don't know... But I feel heavier.

Q: You! Socks! Now!

Sweetie: ...I don't get it.

Q: But you look so cute this way! don't worry Sweetie belle, I'm sure you'll be back to normal soon.

     But until then I have a question. Have you / do you have a crush on somepony?

Sweetie: ...Yes.

- 86 -

Q1: Don't cry about your fur and hair Sweetie Belle! You still look the prettiest pony I ever saw! :) 

      Also, I have a question: Who's the luck colt you have a crush on?

Q2: Ooooh... so you DO have a crush. Common, you can tell us!

Q3: Will you tell us who is the lucky foal who stole your heart?

Sweetie: ...Weeeeell...

Sweetie: He doesn't know anything about it yet but...

               ...His name is Button.

Sweetie: He's a Blank Flank too, but he's really good at videogames!

                He's also very cute. I like his mane!

Q: So how would you feel if your crush is on tumblr and is seeing you as you are right now?

- 87 -

Q: soooo how do you manage to pass the time in your situation?

Sweetie: Uhmmm...

Sweetie: *giggle*

Sweetie: Mining Obsidian!

                It's funny!

- 88 -

Q: i wubs you sweetie bell! :3

Sweetie: Aw, thank you!

                I wub you too!

Sweetie: Whatever it means!

- 89 -

Q: Why must you be so impossibly cute?

큐티마크 크루세이더즈에게 물어봐!!

오랜만에 에스크텀블러로 돌아왔는데

말장난이 쩔어서... 아정말...;

84편의 두번째 질문은 저도 확실하지가 않네요...

저 질문을 인터넷에 물어보면 대부분 장난식으로 대답을 해서.;;

저 질문에 동물이 없어서 그런지

'코끼리'나 '물고기, 왜냐하면 그들은 옷을 입지 않기때문이지.'

이런식의 대답들이 날아와서...

88편의 'wub'은 외국의 인터넷 속어로

'love'를 뜻한다고 하는데

스위티벨의 반응이 저런게

'wub'자체를 모르는 반응인지

그 단어에 다른 뜻이 있는건지

저도 모르겠어요. ㅠㅠ

사람언어를 포니언어로 바꾼 단어들이

확인이 잘 안돼서 오역이 생길수도 있습니다. ㅠㅠ

오역, 어색한 번역 지적시 감사히 수정하겠습니다.^^

번역체에서 대화체로 바꾸는 과정에서

세세한 부분이 약간 바뀌었을수 있습니다. ^^;

출처: http://ask-thecrusaders.tumblr.com/

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