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12/1백악관에 메일보내실때[영문판 항의문서]
게시물ID : humorbest_28288짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : oops-
추천 : 20
조회수 : 1107회
댓글수 : 2개
베스트 등록시간 : 2004/02/21 15:14:43
원본글 작성시간 : 2002/11/30 14:14:17
12월1일 12:00 21:00시 인터넷 백악관 테러시에, 이왕 메일 보내는거 쓸데없는 내용이 아닌 이 미군여중생살인사건에 대한 영문판 항의 문서를 붙여넣는게 어떨까요?? 저는 이걸 한10번쯤 붙여넣기해서 보낼 생각입니다. 더 좋은 생각 있으신 분 리플달아주세요. (영문판 항의 문서는 밑에 '▷◁『忍』3개'님의 글을 퍼왔습니다)


제목: 미군여중생살인사건 항의문서 영문판요...퍼뜨려주세요
사진첨부 할 것: 주소표기 방식 :

사진첨부주소 ;:


제목 : IS IT TRUE ?
We inform you that there was a regrettable deaths of two Korean middle-school girls who were run over by an U.S. Army's armored vehicle on June 13, 2002. A Brief on the Incident
▶The two middle school students, Shim Mi-seon and Shin Hyo-sun who were going to a birthday party of their friends were crushed to death in Hyochonli, Yangju county, Gyeonggi province, by an U.S. Army's armored vehicle at about 10:30 A.M., on June 13. When the armored carrier hit the girls, they were walking on the pedestrian side road.

▶According to the Status of Forces Agreement signed by the Republic of Korea (South Korea) and U.S.A., U.S. Government has the exclusive initial jurisdiction over the U.S. soldiers who are involved in any crimes or incidents in the South Korea while they are on or off regular duties or operations.
▶Both Korean as well as American and international news media have deliberately been reporting this incident as an insignificant minor accident.
▶Two media reporters on duty were tied with wire chains, detained and beaten harshly by the U.S. army. Our Demands

1. President Bush, as the commander of chief of USFK must apologize to the victims' famillies and the Korean people about the tragedy of two teens' deaths publicly through the recognized world media!

2. Organize a joint investigation committee to look into the bottom of the tragedy with the participation of the 2nd U.S. Infantry Division, the victims' families, and social activist groups of both countries as neutral parties. By the committee's recommendation of the results, anyone whoever is liable of the tragic deaths must be indicted and punished by the law in order to demonstrate that justice always prevails!

3. Pay resonable and appropriate compensations to the victims' families immediately!

4. Close the military drill place and prohibit any U.S. Military traffics going through the Hyochonli's road in order to prevent a similar accident in the future!

5. We demand that: First, U.S. Government must yield the "so called" initial exclusive jurisdiction on the GI suspects (driver of AV and any liable immediate commanders of his) to the joint investigation committee. Second, the SOFA that is an indulgence for the U.S. Army personnels must be renegotiated fairly and reasonably as is German or Japanese.

▶Please note that most of Koreans have gravely been concerned over the incident that killed two innocent teenage girls.
-From the people who are concerned and grieving for Mi-seon and Hyo-sun's sorrowful deaths-
<넷즌들 모두 위의 영문을 백악관 및 해외 언론사 게시판 등에 집중 배포하여 주시기를 바랍니다. 항의 이메일 및 게시판 항의글 올리기 캠페인에 돌입합니다. 이 글을 다른 사이트에도 배포하여 주시기를 바랍니다>
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