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[영어주의] HRK게임에서 메일이 왔는데 영어라 어렵네요..
게시물ID : gametalk_306830짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : 마시
추천 : 0
조회수 : 771회
댓글수 : 6개
등록시간 : 2016/04/21 14:21:27
  • 베스트금지

Dear 마시,

It's been a year that we launched HRK and it's been a great honor to serve you on HRK with our services.
After a year of service, we are more interested than ever to know your opinion about us. This will help us to improve our service in the future, if you are satisfied with one of our serviecs, we will make it better and if there was anything wrong, we will try to fix it. 
Please take 1 minute to write a review about HRK on Trustpilot. If you do this, we will be more than happy to read your reviews about us. To show how we are appericiated about your reviews, we will also gift you 3 Free Gems if you write and share your review about HRK on Trustpilot.
It does not matter if you give us 5 Stars or 1 Star, we love to know your honest review about HRK and you will receive your free Gems anyway.
Click the link below to share your review about HRK on Trustpilot.


Matin Tavana
Sales Manager

..대충 후기를 쓰면 뭔가 나에게 보답해준다는거 같은데..
뭐에대해서 후기를 써달라는 걸까요.
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