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지난주 방송에 대한 미국인들의 반응
게시물ID : muhan_30925짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : 금브라은브라
추천 : 20/15
조회수 : 3077회
댓글수 : 14개
등록시간 : 2014/06/08 14:34:42
왜 미국인들의 반응이라하냐면 이 사이트가 아메리카 지역에서만 접속이 됨




20 hours ago

Fuck you the vocal minority of korean netizens, NHC dating episode was awesome and many of us were really looking forward to it!



22 hours ago

I really wanted to see the NHC Dating episode be completed, I was wondering why it was cutoff and never mentioned again. Tragic 



1 day, 2 hours ago

<3 Jae Suk oppa!



1 day, 2 hours ago

I'm glad the elections are over. This episode was kind of a waste because so much was spent on just counting votes and the last part was a bit unorganized and random. I'd like to see them all have input on the show though because that's the only way to get diversity. I LOVE YJS but just following his ideas alone wouldn't be much of a challenge and isn't that the point of this show?



1 day, 2 hours ago

Them apologizing for the Hong Chul dating episode is reason why Korea needs to chill out sometimes.



1 day, 4 hours ago

why did they apologize at the end for the hong chul dating thing?



1 day, 3 hours ago

I wonder the same thing!


1 day, 3 hours ago

I read that netizens complained that in the episode IC was objectifying women and emphasizing the ideal of women having to be pretty, so many netizens had a problem with the special. Thus, the Get NHC Married special might be discontinued.


1 day, 2 hours ago

Korean citizens must have made a big deal about trying to find No Hong Chul a wife through the show. I'm kinda disappointed we won't get to see his dates though. I didn't actually expect him to marry someone just for a show.



1 day, 2 hours ago

The whole Find Hong Chul a date episode is no worse than an episode of the Bachelor, since it was the girl's choice whether they wanted a blind date or not.



1 day, 1 hour ago

Even if the project is discontinued, I don't mind. It was a last minute idea that came from the absence of Gil, when they were in need of new footage. The project would've been a superficial 2 - 3 episode long special.

역시  저도 노홍철 에피소드 끝까지 보고싶었는데 저분들도 같은 의견이군요.  노홍철이 젊은 여자 찾는게 일부사람에게 그렇게 불편했나요? 저처럼 끝까지 보고싶었던 분들도 있나요

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