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독일 언론(DW News)의 무례한 인터뷰. (강경화 장관)
게시물ID : corona19_3239짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : Limesis
추천 : 3
조회수 : 2080회
댓글수 : 5개
등록시간 : 2020/05/14 18:00:53

이런 인터뷰 태도는 절대 용납할 수 없습니다.

독일언론, DW news, Sarah Kelly. 

(아래는 스크립트가 아닌, 제 생각을 정리하다 인터뷰가 너무 막장이라 그냥 때려친 의문점들 입니다.)

I would ask a question for her(the reporter or anchor whatever)
And I can't count how many times she was disrespectful in front of one of the Minister of South Korea.

1. Was there a leak of private information in South Korea regarding the latest outbreak? (Iee-tae-won district)
2. If there was no leakage of private information and there is no 'private information' on the internet refers who is who went to the club and their detailed information, can you say that there was a failure of keeping citizen's private information within the government? (Tho you just said that there was a failure in the video.)
3. If you are referring to information that " an adult, male, visited specific DISTRICT of the city" is enough to specify one person and reveal his identity, I would like to recommend you go and see a Doctor. 
4. Yes, there is a concern and fear that the public would identify individuals who are Gay and do not want to come out. And as a countermeasure and increase the number of people to go to the testing places volunteer, The government DOES NOT collect personal information and reason why they came for the test.
5. So, you're saying MAJOR failure of protecting private information. What I want to know is this.
6. From which, your perspective and questions for minister Kang have made. What kind of relationship do you have and utilized to collect information and analyze?
7. I know how this works. And I CANNOT hide my anger at your bad attitude, intention, and sneakiness.
8. Regarding the Journalism in South Korea, How much are you sure of the reliability of the report from Right Wing that you implying there was a MAJOR failure?
9. Was that report from one of the biggest news company in South Korea? Or AP? 
10. For your information, In South Korea, Most of the major news media attack the government just because the government wiping out corruption among the elite of this country. And Major media is on their side.
11. They make issues without fact. They threaten people to generate conspiracy without fact. They have prosecuting deportment on their back. And prosecutors are investigating and prosecuting people who against their agenda. They are the people who break the law.
12. To you, the report is like honey. You, Germany, France, West Europe FAILed to contain the various.
13. You had to make a logic that South Korea is successful in the expanse of Private information. You have to say "ppl in South Korea are afraid of being exposed to the public" to hide your embarrassment.
14. Do you want to make a statement like "We the German do not compromise private information"? LMAO. Good luck with that.
15. I SAY AGAIN 'age, gender, places visited' CANNOT SPECIFY INDIVIDUAL.

16. Gay issue? Discrimination? Oh, god. You must be kidding me.
17. If I go to Germany now, I would be beaten and hung on a tree. If you want to say it's exaggerated, I want to say exactly the same thing to you.

18. "Intelligence(KCIA) says there were no signs of surgery" vs "How sick he was or is?" 
19. You just answered your own question.  Q: "How sick he was or is?"  A:  "Intelligence(KCIA) says there were no signs of surgery" dumb ass..

20. Human rights.... Oh my god. Again, I see American centric ideology here. Do you have any understanding that it is a DIFFERENT country?
21. Do we have the same Constitution? No. Do they have the same Constitution? NO.
22. So, to improve their quality of life, what do you 'the geniusly enlightened madam' think is the first priority?
23. Open them up to Humanitarian aids would be reached? Or bulling them with saying 'We the genius do not tolerate Kim ruling the country' (Basically, so to say "Improving human rights" in North Korea came from the U.S. to control them. Not truly 'improving' human rights.)
24. Do you truly believe that it is CRUCIALLY related between Human Rights and Denuclearization? OMG. 
25. I would recommend you remind Iran. And remind the importance of the sovereignty of the country. North Korea is not Afganistan or Iraque that you can trample on.
26. So did German in Africa in the 19c.
27. Enforced disappearance, arbitrary, execution, torture, ill-treatment. I thought you are referring to the U.S.A. LMAO. Go lady, and blame The U.S.
28. Do Not Bulling this country just because they do not have power. 
29. Oh, by the way, is it the reason that you freaked out on their ICBM Technology and Nuclear WMD? LOL.
30. 13:50, like 3 seconds of silence. attitude. Hay girl, you are interviewing the minister of South Korea. Do you disrespect South Korea? your tone is never be tolerated.

I Can not continue watching this video because it's trash.
There is no point, no focus, no depth, no respect.
I recommend TMZ for her next career.
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