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즐겨찾기 아이콘 위치 수정이 가능합니다.
배틀로그 초기화 ..아이디 2개된사연...
게시물ID : bf3_7275짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : 이피
추천 : 0
조회수 : 576회
댓글수 : 4개
등록시간 : 2012/08/08 17:16:16

General Info
Chat start time  Aug 8, 2012 2:03:32 AM EST
Chat end time  Aug 8, 2012 2:37:58 AM EST
Duration (actual chatting time)  00:34:26
Operator  Ashish

Chat Transcript

info: Your approximate wait time is 0 minute.
info: You are now ready to chat with Ashish.
you: hi
Ashish: Thanks for contacting EA Help! My name is Ashish how may I help you?
Ashish: Hello, how are you?
you: my dog tags
you: Premium dog tags
you: jack
you: Quest complete, but no dog tags
Ashish: Okay, I understand your concern. I will do my best to help you.
you: Thank you.
Ashish: May I know since how long you are facing this problem?
you: em....
you: I do not decide to remember
you: and
you: Not login to log Battle
Ashish: Okay, can you take the screen shot of that page and the assignment that you completed as well.
Ashish: So that we can forward this for you.
you: Can I access my identity can not log in Battle
you: I was purchasing products
you: But the purchase did not come website
Ashish: Sure thing, what problem are you facing in there?
you: When I try to connect to battlelog site
you: Battle log will need to purchase to take advantage of BF3.
you: This comes out
Ashish: Okay, please provide me the EA account.
you: [email protected]
you: nickname: KR_Ganzi
Ashish: Thank you.
Ashish: Please try now.
you: Thank you.
Ashish: I made some changes on your account.
you: omg
you: What else did you change?
you: My account has been initialized
you: hey
Ashish: Yes, I made an manual online access on your account.
Ashish: Did that worked for you?
you: Now my id is initialized
you: This is a serious problem
you: Classes, weapons, dog tags is all initialization has been
Ashish: Can you explain it to me?
Ashish: So that I can help you.
you: My email account I want to be connected to the KR_Ganzi
you: But now it is Creative_Hoon
you: Will this change?
you: According to this now I think ID is a two-
Ashish: It is always that only.
Ashish: It is your soldier name as well as the Origin id.
you: So What will happen to my KR_Ganzi
you: ???
you: So is mine ID for KR_Ganzi
you: Creative_hoon is also mine?
Ashish: Yes, exactly.
you: Okay, well if you have problems later and I'll contact you
you: Come solve my problem Thanks
info: Your chat transcript will be sent to [email protected] at the end of your chat session.



1.난 배필3 프리미엄 특급전사 독택이 언락조건이 다되었는데 되지않아서 풀어달라고함

2.배틀로그 접속도되지않아서 도와달라고함

3."그래 도와줄게 아이디가뭐니"해서 알려주고 조치를 취했다고함

4.배틀로그 로그인했는데 계속쓰던 'KR_Ganzi'가아닌 'Creative_hoon'으로 되어있어서 멘붕

5.어떻게된거냐고물어봣지만 자기가뭐조치했다고함

6.그럼 내아이디가 2개냐 물었더니 그렇다고함

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