Long War 2By Pavonis Interactive (formerly Long War Studios)http://www.pavonisinteractive.comLong War 2 is a significant overhaul of XCOM 2 aimed at giving players the feel of running a worldwide guerrilla war against ADVENT and offering them a greater variety of strategic and tactical experiences.Many of the mod's new mechanics are described ingame in the XCOM archives. Players are strongly encouraged to read those entries immediately after finishing Gatecrasher.Features include:1) A much longer campaign, running for 100 to 120 missions on average2) Infiltration mechanics that require you to send out multiple squads at once3) Manage resistance Havens and have resistance members scrounge for supplies, gather intelligence or recruit more people to your cause4) Nine soldier classes: Sharpshooter, Shinobi, Ranger, Assault, Gunner, Grenadier, Specialist, Technical and Psionic (plus Sparks for DLC owners), each with unique secondary weapons5) Two new weapon tiers, lasers and coilguns6) Dozens of new enemies and smarter battlefield AI7) ADVENT strategic AI that tries to counter your moves
1) 더 길어진 캠페인!, 평균 100에서 120정도의 미션들을 수행하게 될거라는군요
2)서...설마 분대를 여기저기 보내서 동시에 작전을 벌일 수 잇다는건가...!
3)그런거 같은데
4)아홉개의 클래스 이건 뭐 롱워 모드 때 이미 보여준거같은데에
5)오 레이저랑 코일건이 추가되는군요 레이저는 레이저모드가 있어야 하는건지 아니면 기존의 레이저는 지워도 되는지 모르겠군요 (둘다 같은 제작사에서 만든 모드)
6)12마리 정도의 새로운 적들(이것도 기존에 롱워 에일리언 모드라고 이미 있었는데 그걸 구독취소 해야하는걸까요? 아니면 그게 있어서 저 모드가 돌아가는걸까요? 아니면 그거랑은 완전 다른 녀석들인걸까요?) 더 똑똑해진 AI
7)어드밴트가 이제 사령관의 움직임을 카운터 치도록 업글된거 같군요 고통받는 사령관들!
다시 엑스컴2를 달려야 할 거 같네요 후우..
Long War Studios' / Pavonis Interactive's mods SMGPack, AlienPack, LeaderPack, Toolbox, PerkPack, and LaserPack are already integrated into this mod (with different settings and functionality) and should NOT be activated when playing campaigns.
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