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[BGM/짤/스압] 경고,12등급 atryl가감지되었습니다 .
게시물ID : pony_34691짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : 슈헤르트
추천 : 2
조회수 : 2577회
댓글수 : 8개
등록시간 : 2013/02/26 17:44:17

BGM정보 : 브금저장소 - http://bgmstore.net/view/ixgSU

Tax Forms - for the 30min Challenge. the 30 min challenge was ‘pony pets’Since I’m not fan of THAT kinda thing I did this instead :P
The Rite of Askh-Ente -Today’s challenge is…“Oh sweet Celestia we killed Twilight!”Let that sink in for a second.You know for a minute at least some of those poniies thought they just murdered their good friend Twilight. That’s a black scorch mark. It doesn’t speak of something nice normally and I think you can also see what I mean in their faces.So what you’re to draw is what happened in that window between Twilight’s ‘death’ and return. Or you could go more ‘what if that actually happened’ if you would like. Whichever inspires you darlings~——So… I thought, what if they did the askh-ente rite (summon death, and ask things if needed) from Terry pratchett’s Discworld? This was happened in Colour of Magic, when the wizards summoned Death, and he was at a masquerade party. At the end of the discussion:Galder: I said I hope it is a good party.AT THE MOMENT IT IS. I THINK IT MIGHT GO DOWNHILL VERY QUICKLY AT MIDNIGHT. Galder: Why?THAT’S WHEN THEY THINK I’LL BE TAKING MY MASK OFF.
Water Fight - for the 30min Challenge. I hopped in at the 30 minute mark and I was like nononoonono let’s do something and then I realized we had 45 minutes so… 15min it is.
Alone - for the 30min Challenge - Ponies alone on valentines day!‘Tonight’s challenge is for all you lonely people out there. Draw a pony dealing with being left all alone on valentines day. ‘Don’t worry, this is what happened after.
Valentine Twilight - for the 30min CHallenge. Valentine’s Day card. i wanted to do all of them for the challenge, but my laptop decided to shut down in the middle of the challenge and I somehow forgot to save… So.. Well, I’ll try to finish the rest anyway  :)
Hot Springs - for the 30min Challenge. We had 45 minutes this time so I thought I add some more to the picture :)
Savior - for the 30min Challenge. So many beach themed pictures lately. This time the topic was “beach” so I continued the beach woona series :)
Giddy Up! - for the 30min Challenge.
Bath Time - for the 30min Challenge.
New Year - for the 30min Challenge
Try That One! - for the 30min Challenge. A little bit of summer in this cold winter.
Ms. Harshwhinny - First I was like “oh hello beach Ball!”.
Summer Time - for the 30min Challenge
Saving Memories - for the 30min Challenge. Zecora far away from home (even more, not Ponyville).
Princess Derpestia - for the 30min Challenge
Hot Chocolate - We arrived to Edinburgh a couple of hours ago. We are sitting in a Starbucks and drinking hot chocolate. I’m drawing, people are watching me drawing this. If this isn’t the manliest thing to do in a place like this I don’t know what is.
Hmm. - I was showing the progress to my dear cousin ejlia, she’ll start taking commissions soon, better check out :3
Barbarian pony - for the 30min Challenge.
Trixie - I tried to do this on my girlfriend’s laptop, it’s a little slow (also I have to redo all my brushes, and this monitor is weird) so after a few layers it started dying. This is the actual working resolution. I wanted to bring my PC to Edinburgh but it’s really big, I had to buy an extra seat to the plane and bus, but turned out, we don’t have to bring it. I’ll have a stronger laptop, Kage Kitsune will help me with his machine, so I can work with it out there, doing commissions. Until it arrives to Edinburgh this little laptop will be good for doodles an sketches and little requests :3 Thank you again for the offer Kage! - I’ll fly to Edinburgh in 5 days. 
Where’s mah hat ya’ll?
Redneck Lyra - for the 30min Challenge.
Seed of Life - Zecora for the 30min Challenge. I kinda forgot the whole thing so I fell in at the 15 minute mark, so I made a head instead of a full body. I don’t mind though.
I got this, guys!
Hats - for the 30min Challenge. Towering Pillar of Hats. That’s a thing.
THE PARTY IS HERE! - for the 30min Challenge.Starcraft fans might recognise her suit new year was the topic today 
Happy Holidays!
Helping Hand - for the 30min Challenge.Based on the crazy Pinkie trick.I finished this 30 minutes before the deadline (we had 60 minutes), I have to finish the winner’s commission :3
Sweet Dreams
Friendship is Magic
Without Sweets
Keep Looking
Wind - for the 30min Challenge. (nsfw content too, warned ya!)
Brain Swap - for the 30min Challenge. (we had 60 minutes this time)
Herpy Derpday! - Scene commissioned for Mr. Bear’s ( ask human Derpy ) birthday!
Good Night
TV Time - Commission
Sonic Rainboom - Livestream Auction Commission. A lot of people weren’t listening to the chat, so this one ended up being a $17.50 commission. I’ll announce these livestreams next time. This was supposed to be a flatcolor one, but I overworked a tiny bit. Try to catch the auction streams for quick commissions, not to mention I ignore the commission queue on those streams!
Spa - for the 30min Challenge. - we had 60 minutes this time.
Derpy and the Mirror Pool - for the 30min Challenge.
I’m Bored - Sibsy’s OC Wild Fire
Last Stand - Scene commissioned this one for StrangerDang3r.The apple family has hired help to stop an apple rustler invasion.
FUN. FUN. FUN.solid white background one here.
Spring - for the 30min Challenge.
‘I quit’ - for the 30min Challenge : ‘ponies trying something new and failing at it’
A bit of sunset and apples
Halloween group - Someone asked an sfw edit. I know I’m a bad person for doing nsfw yada yada, but I’m here for the fans, so here it is. Enjoy if you can :)
Shhh, sleeping! - carnifex asked me to do an edit of non-bot Sweetie :3 > Sweetiebot one <
Princess Celestia in a halloween costume! - For the 30min Challenge. I know Nightmare Night and filly Celly is not really possible, but I just wanted to draw her in a silly sun costume.
Nightmare Night
Pinkie is not here… - I made it for the 30min Challenge, it didn’t have to be halloween themed this time. I dunno. The livestream folks requested wallpaper of it. Click the link for it.fix: It should have to be Halloween themed. Oh well.
AlmostGood Night - good night stream :3
Vinyl and Octavia - 30min Challenge - We had to pick one I chose both. I was doing sfw stream so I did an SFW challenge again :) - nsfw submissions on the link, dont click if you can’t bear the view.
Pool Lessons - This was derping around in my folders for months, so I finished it kind of.

으아ㅏㅏㅏ !! 

출처 : http://atryl.tumblr.com/
아 . . 세이브 텀플러입니다 . 안심하세요 . 

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