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챔피언쉽 쓰레쉬 등장 예정 공지(Celebrate Season)
게시물ID : lol_348417짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : 날아가도
추천 : 2
조회수 : 1207회
댓글수 : 5개
등록시간 : 2013/09/18 11:40:40
아래는 9월 18일자 쓰레쉬 패시브 영혼 색깔 변경(파랑)이 적용된 버전의 영상

Celebrate Season 3 with Championship Thresh

By RiotWenceslaus

After a Season 3 filled with everything from spectacular comebacks to dominant victories, the World Championship has begun. To celebrate the epic battles waged over the course of the season, we've equipped Championship Thresh with ornate battle armor, new spell effects and a recall animation to inspire your victory. Featuring deep sapphire hues, a haunting new lantern and his trademark chains, get a Thresh start for next season with this new Championship skin!

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