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can't keep my hands off you
게시물ID : music_51900짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : 베의지색
추천 : 1
조회수 : 524회
댓글수 : 1개
등록시간 : 2012/09/07 22:25:38

Can't Keep My Hands Off You


Simple Plan


 Oh oh oh let’s go
My fender strat sits all alone
Collecting dust in the corner
I haven’t called any of my friends
I’ve been MIA since last December
My blackberry’s filled up with E-mail
My phone calls goes straight through to voicemail


Cuz on the street, or under the covers
We are stuck like two pieces of velcro
At the park, in the back of my car
It don’t matter what I do,
No, I can’t keep my hands off you
(can’t keep my, can’t keep my)
Can’t keep my hands off you
(can’t keep my, can’t keep my)


There’s fungus growing in the icebox
All I got left are fruit roll ups
My clothes are six months old
But I don’t care, no no no I don’t notice
My bills pile is so high, it is shocking
The repo man just keeps on knocking


Cuz on the street, or under the covers
We are stuck like two pieces of velcro
At the park, in the back of my car
It don’t matter what I do,
No, I can’t keep my hands off you
(can’t keep my, can’t keep my)
Can’t keep my hands off you
(can’t keep my, can’t keep my)
can’t keep my hands off you


Sorry to all my friends and to anyone to anyone I offend
But i can’t help, no i can’t help it
Can’t keep my, can’t keep my
(can’t hands my hands off you)
Can’t keep my, can’t keep my
(can’t hands my hands off you)
Can’t keep my, can’t keep my
(can’t hands my hands off you)
Can’t keep my, can’t keep my
(can’t hands my hands off you)


Cuz on the street, or under the covers
We are stuck like two pieces of velcro
At the park, in the back of my car
It don’t matter what I do,
No, I can’t keep my hands off you
(can’t keep my, can’t keep my)
Can’t keep my hands off you
(can’t keep my, can’t keep my)
Can’t keep my hands off




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