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[발번역]큐티마크 크루세이더즈에게 물어봐!! -119~122-
게시물ID : pony_3536짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : 설사
추천 : 16
조회수 : 1183회
댓글수 : 4개
등록시간 : 2012/09/23 15:00:36

- 번외. 마인크래프트 -

- 119 -

Sweetie: Hello Tumblr!

                It's me!

Sweetie: Now, before you ask, we are on the ship that is gonna get us back!

                So we're gonna be home pretty soon!

Sweetie: And yes, I do look silly with my horn coming out of my skin.

Q: Has your hair started growing back since your little cruise?

Sweetie: Well... yes. A little bit of fur started to grow back.

                Can't tell nor show you where... It's kinda embarassing.

- 120 -

Q1: Hey Sweetie Belle? Does your horn have fur on it?

       If it doesn't, how come it's white when the rest of your body is naturally pink?

Q2: Wait, so why is your horn white, does it have fur on it, or is it just the same color has all ponies fur for some reason?

Sweetie: Actually, no, there's no for on my horn. It's white because it's bone!

Sweetie: But fur does grow on Unicorns' horn. I don't know why, it just does.

Q1: How do you want to explain your lack of fur to Rarity? Any ideas yet?

Q2: So, how are you going to explain your nakedness to your sister?

Sweetie: Hmmm...

Sweetie: Hey, Rarity! Guess what! I'M A NUDIST!

Sweetie: Nah. That wouldn't work.

                We're pretty much always naked anyway...

- 121 -

Q1: You have fur on your horn? What are you? A deer?

Q2: Hey Sweetie if you don't have any fur then why cant we see your hooves?

Sweetie: I am a magical talking unicorn.

               Your argument is invalid.

- 122 -

Q: Hey Sweetie Belle, Where are Apple Bloom and Scootaloo?

Sweetie: They're right next to me. Making faces.

Q: Sweetie have you managed to ever make a cake in Minecraft?

큐티마크 크루세이더즈에게 물어봐!!

저녁에 약속이 있어서 빨리 올리네요.^^

여기까지가 지금 현재 CMC 텀블러에

올라와있는 모든 내용입니다.^^

내가 끝냈다! 야! 신난다!

새로운 내용이 올라오는대로

최대한 빨리 번역을 하도록 하겠습니다.^^

사람언어를 포니언어로 바꾼 단어들이

확인이 잘 안돼서 오역이 생길수도 있습니다. ㅠㅠ

게임 관련 내용을 몰라서 오역이 생길수도 있습니다. ㅠㅠ

오역, 어색한 번역 지적시 감사히 수정하겠습니다.^^

번역체에서 대화체로 바꾸는 과정에서

세세한 부분이 약간 바뀌었을수 있습니다. ^^;

P.S.: 번역 감수해주신 '호라드릭'님, '춤추는달빛'님 감사합니다.^^

        조금 고민해보고 수정을 해야지라고 생각했는데

        과제때문에 까먹어 버리고 수정을 못했내요. ㅠㅠ

출처: http://ask-thecrusaders.tumblr.com/

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