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My Time At Portia 7월 패치
게시물ID : gametalk_354263짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : ↕永久童精
추천 : 3
조회수 : 1844회
댓글수 : 2개
등록시간 : 2018/07/25 07:27:04
My Time At Portia는 매뭘 패치를 발표하면서 알파버전을 업시키고 있습니다.
알파 8버전인가요? 이번 7월패치는? 암튼 7월 패치가 이제야 나왔습니다.
새로 추가되는 지역과
새로운 퀘스트와
캐릭터들의 새로운 배경 소개와

STARLIGHT ISLAND UPDATE - LIVE NOW! (changelist included) : 별섬 업데이트

2018년 7월 25일 - Lauren_Team17
This month, we’ve been working on optimising the game. We have improved the frame rate, and the game now runs much smoother than before. We will continue to work on optimisation in the next few updates, to ensure that you get the best My Time At Portia experience.
프레임 레이트 향상, 최적화를 위해 계속 노력하겠다.

In addition to game optimisation, this update also contains the content we announced in our previous news posts. You can read more on those here:

Development Update
Update on the way: A new location, a new pet, new story and more!
New content on the way: Casual life in Portia

Let’s take a look at what other content is in this update!

New building project: Factory
We’ve been listening to your feedback about crafting items in your yard, and we have a pretty big feature to add in this update! Once you’ve completed the harbor mission, you’ll be able to visit A&G Construction and build a factory in your yard!

The factory will allow you to automate production. To craft something, you’ll simply need to prepare the machine and the raw materials it needs, click ‘start’, and wait! You’ll be able to automate each stage of the production process, from raw materials to semi-manufactured products, and from semi-manufactured products to final products! This factory is a huge new feature and will save lots of crafting time!

공장을 지을 수 있습니다. 땅 넓게 사야겠네요. 시장님하고 많이 친해져야겠네요. ㅋ
공장은 공장이 할만한 일을 하는 것 같습니다.

New location: The Haunted Cave
Remember that mission on Amber Island? Mayor Gale said that construction could take place so that Portians could have somewhere fun to go. The Mayor is keeping his promise! Once you’ve defeated the Rat Prince, you’ll be able to go back to this island and help the Mayor turn the cave into a themed attraction!

귀신나오는 동굴이 추가되었습니다. 호박섬의 쥐 왕자가 있던 동굴을 관광객을 유치하기 위한 어트랙션으로 만들겠다던 시장의 공약(?)이 이렇게 이뤄지는군요.
우와, 귀신 짱 귀엽... 망치로 쾅하고 때릴꺼야? 어라? 스샷보니까 브래스 너클이!

New calendar event: The Day of Memories
The Day of Memories is the third holiday to be added to the calendar in My Time At Portia – after the Day of the Bright Sun and Winter Solstice. This holiday will take place on Summer 27th of each year. There will be an activity on this day, and you’ll get to compete against NPCs for a reward!

The difference with this event activity, is that it takes place at night! The activity will start at 9pm, and participants will need to find ghost badges that are scattered throughout Portia town. You’ll have a limited amount of time to find as many badges as you can. When the time is up, the person with the most badges, wins! You’ll be able to trade these badges in for Day of Memories items at the Badge Exchange inside the Commerce Guild.

담력시험이 여름 축제로 추가되었습니다. 귀신 찾기 게임인가보네요.
그나저나 스샷에 저 모자... 아라레의 그 모자 아닌가요? ㅋㅋ 저거 쓰고 망치 들면 토르! ㅋㅋㅋ

New wearables: Accessories
We’ve had accessories such as necklaces, sunglasses and earrings in the game for a while now, and these have added to different character stats but are invisible when your character is wearing them. We know you want to be able to see these accessories when your character is wearing them, so we’re making them visible in this update. So, if style is your thing, you’ll now be able to match your accessories to your outfit!

악세사리를 착용하면 그 모습이 적용됩니다! 드디어!

Item Upgrade: Wooden Storage Box
We’ve received lots of feedback about the difficulty of managing the items you have because they are being kept in multiple wooden storage boxes. This update will make managing your stored items a lot easier. Now, when you open one storage box, you will be able to manage the items in ALL of your storage boxes! We’ve also added the ability to sort your items at the click of a button! So for example: if you put wood into box A, and then some wood into box B, all wood will automatically be sorted into box A.

보관용 상자에 들어있는 물건 관리가 더 쉬워졌습니다. 소트하면 흩어진 동일 아이템을 한군데로 모으게 됩니다. 편하겠네요.

We really hope you all enjoy the new content we have added into My Time At Portia. Please keep posting your feedback, and reporting any bugs or issues you encounter, in the Steam forums.

Want to know what else is in this content update? Check out the changelist below!

Please note:
After this update, the trees you have cut down will regenerate, and some furniture may be removed from your house and delivered to your mailbox for placement again. Your skill points will also be reset, and will need reassigning.

이번 업데이트 후 게임을 재로딩해보면 이미 잘라버렸던 나무들이 다시 자랐고 가구들 중 몇 몇은 다시 배치하게끔 메일함으로 들어와 있을 겁니다. 스킬 포인트도 리셋됩니다.

You may also find that the loading time when leaving your house is quite long. We’re aware of this issue and are working on a patch to optimise this loading time.

이번 패치는 저장시간이 (예전에 비해) 깁니다. 최적화 중입니다. (아마도 캐릭터 사라짐 버그 대처 중인 것 같네요)

We'd like to say thank you to all players who participated in the open test, your feedback is greatly appreciated. Your save data from v 7.0 will carry over to this version (v 8.0) just fine, but when switching to the main branch, please be aware that you will lose all food recipes (we have executed the programmer who is responsible*)

출처 https://steamcommunity.com/games/666140/announcements/detail/1730956764702360688
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