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영어 작문(MEMO) 해봤는데, 수정부탁드립니다!
게시물ID : english_5543짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : jisun
추천 : 0
조회수 : 404회
댓글수 : 4개
등록시간 : 2012/10/03 21:58:59

To : 

From : 

Re : How to process Free English Class.


First of all, I’d like to appreciate that a school offers Free English classes. I think a lot of students including me take part in the Free English classes, and it helps the students who need a chance to speak English to improve their speaking skills. However, I should inform you that Free English classes have been about only few topics, such as English Drama, English Pop-Song, English News and et cetera. Everything else is just Free Talking. In the case of beginner students, even though it is just about a daily conversation, it is not easy to express what they think. Furthermore, intermediate students and advanced could not talk deeply about topics. There is a big gap between them so some students would feel that it is just a waste of time.   


In order to be more effective for Free English, Free English classes must be more methodical. I would propose some ways; Free English classes should be divided into beginner class and intermediate or advanced. Teachers for beginner students should teach them how to make complete sentences using easy patterns to learn basic grammar in English. Other teachers for intermediate students and advanced should teach ways to summon appropriate words to suit any occasion. If you make it happen, I am sure that the students would make remarkable progress in speaking English skills. It could be much more effective than before for the students.      

MEMO 적어봤는데, 제가 작문실력이 정말 거지같아서요.

포인트는 최대한 formal, simple하게 하는건데요. 영어로 생각하는 습관이 적다보니, 유치한 문장도 많습니다.

줄수는 paragraph 1, 2가 10줄 이상 넘어가지 않는 한으로 고쳐주셔도 괜찮습니다.

이런 표힌이 더 낫다고 생각되시는 문장 그냥 고쳐주세요!

특히 제가 더 부족한 부분은 콤마 사용인데요. 영어를 야매로 공부해서 작문할때 이런게 다 드러나요.

주의해서 봐주시면 감사하겠습니다! 


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