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[데드존] 패치 프리뷰.. (어제 올라온거임.. 미번역)
게시물ID : gametalk_35529짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : 레드a
추천 : 0
조회수 : 427회
댓글수 : 7개
등록시간 : 2012/10/05 06:19:29

번역 하고 싶은데 지금 셤 공부중이라 중요한거만 밑에 리플로 써드림...

걍 자잘하게 애니메이션 추가 이런거는 번역안하겠음..

Changelog v1.090 - Preview (The Melee Update)

The Melee update is coming soon. Here's a preview of what's in store. 



- Blood decals appear on ground 
- New blood hit particles to emphasize enemy hits 

New Weapons - Level 15+ 
- Aluminum Baseball Bat - blunt weapon 
- Combat Knife - small bladed weapon 
- Wakizashi - shorter, faster Japanese blade 
- Survival Ax - modern one handed ax 
- Morning Star - reproduction blunt weapon 

- Additional attack animations for one handed melee weapons 
- Additional attack animations for two handed melee weapons 

- Exertion sounds for survivors 
- Hurt sounds for survivors and zombies 
- Footstep sounds for survivors 
- Some new interface sounds (movement confirmation, failure) 

- New "Bruiser" enemy at higher levels, has 100% chance of knockback 
- New zombie attack animations, overhead strikes, kicks 

- Added arrows to rollovers for weapons for quicker comparison 
- Added location information to mission report screen 
- Added paging to Survivor and Loot tabs on mission report screen 
- Text chatter during missions from survivors to give feedback on events 
- Weapon information is now displayed relative to the survivor equipping it when in the Survivor windows or assigning to missions/defensive buildings 
- Added MISS and DODGE messages to combat for survivors using melee weapons to better communicate combat system 

- 'Ammo Cost' is now displayed in Weapon info panels (for future Ammo update) 
- Changed Automated Mission calculations to account for new DPS 
- Automated Missions now display text rating, instead of percentage 

- Zombies can now cause knockback to survivors 
- Zombies have 'hit/injury' animations, adding stopping power to weaponry (base on knockback chance) 
- Zombie attacks have a chance to break reloading and scavenging 
- Larger & tougher enemies have higher nudge and knockback chances 


Weapon Balance 
- Re-balanced nearly all melee weapons 
- Moved Hatchet level range from 5-10 to 10-14 
- Adjusted some mid-level pistols and sub machine guns to balance DPS 

- Fixed Damage Per Second (DPS) calculations 
- Calculations for DPS now take bursts, capacity and reload times into account 
- Effect of Gear and Survivor skills now show on weapon rollovers in equip screens 
- Changed Mission Success Chance to text rather than percentages 
- Reduced overall chance of injuries from Automated missions 
- Changed automated mission success to be more evenly weighted off number of survivors and weapon DPS 
- Removed "Reloading" text bubbles to make sure reload indicators always show 
- Bullet tracer fire now plays more often 

- Changed Attack Speed to Attacks per Second 
- Increased attack speed on a large number of melee weapons 
- Zombies now have chance to "nudge" survivors on hit 
- Zombies now have chance to "knockback" survivors on hit 
- Reloading can be broken by nudges and knockbacks 
- Scavenging can be broken by nudges and knockbacks 
- Healing can be broken by nudges and knockbacks 
- Survivors have a reduced chase range when using melee 
- Fixed survivor AI to chase down nearby enemies when enemy is attacking teammates 
- Survivors no longer endlessly chase zombies 
- Survivors with less than 50% health will go into preservation mode and not actively chase enemies in melee 

- Zombies can now "sense" survivors that are close behind them 

- All survivor classes now increase their Melee and Ranged combat skill by 5% per level 
- Made Medics have a Blade specialization 
- Made Scavengers have a Blunt specialization 
- Made Recons have a Blade specialization 

- Increased the importance of food and water stocks for morale 

- Added upgrade times to Wheel of Misfortune 
- Performance and memory optimisations to pathfinding 
- Fixed survivors assigned to watchtowers from being stuck in rubble during zombie attacks 
- Fixed combat sound playback 
- Fixed zombie attacks occurring when only one survivor is in the compound but is being retrained 
- Fixed 'lockout' bug in which some locations would not display lock timers on the map 
- Loot items of the same type are now consolidated on mission report screen 
- GPU RAM is now completely cleared between game scenes 
- Various memory and performance optimisations 
- Various small bug fixes

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