Just in time for the Harrowing, Riot announced that previously limited skins thought never to return will be coming back for 2013 and 2014 holidays! As such, we decided to make a few wallpapers and do a post about these skins for our community.
We also made a list with modelviewer links to the holiday skins so you can decide what ones you'll pick up. Be sure to let us know in the comments what you think of the wallpaper--as well as Riot's choice to bring back previously very exclusive and rare skins!
We went ahead and made some wallpapers for you guys showcasing these skins. And yes, Lollipoppy is
very creepy.
Limited Skin Previews
We've put Riot's release chart up with a twist: each link will take you to our modelviewer where you can see the skin in full, animated action so you can get familiar with these previously obscure and lost skins.
October 2013 | December 2013 | February 2014 | June 2014 |
Harrowing Skin Previews
Since the Harrowing is right around the corner, we decided to show you the exact models of the skins that will be on sale this year! There will probably also be new skins, so don't worry--we doubt this is all!
There will probably also be new skins, so don't worry--we doubt this is all!
새 할로윈 스킨도 아마 나온다고 하네요
요약 : 이전 한정판 스킨 재판매(한국은 재판매 미지수) + 2013년 할로윈 신스킨 발매