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let's share useful website for learning English.
게시물ID : english_5707짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : jisun
추천 : 2
조회수 : 538회
댓글수 : 8개
등록시간 : 2012/10/24 00:04:06

Recently, I very often visit to this board and sometimes receive a help by your reply. 
It is because here there are many people who are good at English. hahah
Anyway, i want to share my favorite helpful sites for English with you and also know what favorite sites you have.
I just share these sites as first. 

http://ted.com - i think you almost know this sites, a kind of speech site in English about diverse topics.
http://www.urbandictionary.com/ - When i search slang in English, I frequently use this site.  

If you have other sites, why don't you share those things with us? :)

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