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[♬]마음을 움직이는 사진들.jpg
게시물ID : lovestory_47724짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : 10century
추천 : 20
조회수 : 1494회
댓글수 : 1개
등록시간 : 2012/11/03 13:52:48



Hope dies last.

Photographer - Zilvinas Valeika.






Cat's House.







Extreme.One of the best photos according to the Red Bull Illume 2010.





"Thank you" to veterans.

Photographer - Roman Balaev.






Feats are priceless.





A faithful friend.




Russian forest. This picture consists of 365 photographs that were made each day from the same place.





The flow of time.




On the roof.

Photographer - Julia Kurbatova.









High five.





Love your enemies.




The struggle for supremacy.




The sergeant, his wife and their unborn child.














Grandma's care.




Who are you?




Filming Titanic.





Everybody loves cartoons.




Love knows no age. The celebration of March 8 in Belgrade.




Smoking is bad for you.





My friend.

 "My 3-year-old son Charlie, - says the author of the photo Blake Zickefoose, - made ​​friends with this caterpillar and named it worm-dog."




Forests of giant sequoia.




Man is a friend for a dog.



Downhill of life.




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