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글로벌 코치들과 함께하는 취업&커리어 워크샵
게시물ID : jobinfo_387짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : 지구색머리
추천 : 0
조회수 : 628회
댓글수 : 0개
등록시간 : 2016/01/23 23:10:54
TCK네트워크에서 오는 1 30 청년들을 위한 커리어 워크숍 'Maximizing TCK Strengths'를 개최합니다!

다국적 기업에서 경력을 쌓은 글로벌 코치들의 노하우를 배우고, 영어를 연습하며 다양한 분야의 사람들과 탄탄한 네트워크를 쌓을 수 있는 TCK네트워크를 경험할 수 있는 기회입니다.

"Maximizing TCK Strengths" TCK Network Winterworkshop 2016

일시: 1 30(토), 13:00-17:30
장소: 여의도 이룸센터, 2층 교육실1

주요언어: 영어

참가비: 2 5천원

예약&문의: [email protected]
스피커 프로필

- Jessica Cucco: 
Jessica has over 15 years experience working in developing and delivering training programs in the areas of Communication Skills and Leadership. Independent consultant collaborating with many Italian and International Companies,
Universities, Management Training Companies to conduct training needs analysis and training design for programs on communication skills for international environments, international team building and general intercultural awareness.
She has got a Master in Human Resources’s Management, Master Practioner NLP, Master in Executive Coaching and Master in Intercultural Competence in English.

- Sara Fabian:
Sara Fabian is a women's empowerment coach, passionate about helping modern, professional women to get truly happy and fulfilled in their private lives and career. 
She also works as a leadership trainer, coach and consultant for female leaders, focusing on emotional intelligence and strength-based leadership. 
She has over 10 years experience in leading business and people together with a big corporate, across Europe and Asia. 
She is a certified professional coach with the International Coaching Training Institute and a certified practitioner of powerful psychometric assessments as the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) and the Fundamental Interpersonal Relations Orientation (FIRO). 

- 김지예 (서울대 소속)

- 천연미 (서울대 소속)



지인과 함께 참가신청하고 글로벌코치들을 만날 수 있는 청년 취업 워크숍에서 [보브 모이스트 쿠션 파운데이션]과 함께 에너지 넘치는 커리어를 쌓으세요! (경품수량 5개 / 남성분은 당일 다른 상품과 교환 가능합니다.)
1. RSVP: goo.gl/forms/C6x90eeHM3 작성
2. [Guest]란에 일행 수 입력
3. ! 1 30일에 만나요:)

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