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April March-Chick Habit(UTUBE)
게시물ID : freeboard_392862짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : 구구.
추천 : 1
조회수 : 255회
댓글수 : 0개
등록시간 : 2010/01/08 13:10:41
쿠엔틴 타란티노 감독의 영화 Death Proof 엔딩삽입곡 April March-Chick Habit Hang up the chick habit Hang it up, daddy, or you'll be alone in a quick Hang up the chick habit Hang it up, daddy, or you'll never get another fix I'm telling you it's not a trick Pay attention, don't be thick or you're liable to get licked You're gonna see the reason why when they're spitting in your eye they'll be spitting in your eye Hang up the chick habit Hang it up, daddy, a girl's not a tonic or a pill Hang up the chick habit Hang it up, daddy, you're just jonesing for a spill Oh, how your bubble's gonna burst when you meet another nurse she'll be driving in a hearse You're gonna need a heap of glue when they all catch up with you and they cut you up in two Now your ears are ringing The birds have stopped their singing Everything is turning grey No candy in your till No cutie left to thrill You're alone on a tuesday Hang up the chick habit Hang it up, daddy, or you'll be alone in a quick Hang up the chick habit Hang it up, daddy, or you'll never get another fix I'm telling you it's not a trick Pay attention, don't be thick or you're liable to get licked You're gonna see the reason why when they're spitting in your eye they'll be spitting in your eye You're gonna see the reason why when they're spitting in your eye they'll be spitting in your eye You're gonna see the reason why when they're spitting in your eye they'll be spitting in your eye
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