토플때문에 연습한다고 써본건데 지방에 있어서 토플학원도 없고 어디 첨삭받으러 다닐 여력도 없어서 부탁드립니다. 고수분들.
문법적 오류나 어색한 표현들이 엄청 많아서 짜증나실텐데 부탁드립니다...
문제는 people are incapable of being satisfied with what they have; they always want what they don't have.에 동의하냐 아니냐 인데요. 제가 쭈욱 쓰다가 논점을 비껴버린 것도 같고...아무튼 부탁드려여 고수분들!
Competition in the world is getting harder than ever before so it seems to be impossible people to be happy with their status because there is always comparison among others and even some who want to be satisfied themselves are determined to be how they want to be, which means they desire to change themselves. To begin with, people always tend to not only look at, but also compare with other people. Personally, I think that is because it is human being’s institution. From my personal experience, I have stayed in Vancouver, Canada for several months, I have met and made a lot of friends from many different countries. We mostly did not have anything we could share. We were totally different. However, I felt there was one thing that we could share. What was that is we all, not related with where people are from, did compare among us and wished to have the good things that we do not have in our each culture but other have. I suppose it means we all desire and want to get more good things when we compare among us so we was not satisfied with ourselves. On top of that, in my opinion, no matter what kind of job we have and who we are. We always want something. To help you understand, monks in temples are very determined as well as discipline to achieve holiness and purity. Scholars in any fields want to make their own theory and discovery something new. If you hear those two jobs, you might remind yourself of some words, like pure heart and clean hands. In spite of this stereotype, those also need you to make proper achievement, like other jobs in the world. To sum up, I wholeheartedly believe that people can never stay where they are, but also go by who they are because they should be determined in any positions as well as there is always comparison among people. All things considered, that seems like our inevitable destiny to desire something. We should spend this desiring energy in not harmful way, but beneficial way for us so that we could control our stress from an excessive ambition.