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자짤))해외 크리틱(?) 받아서 수정중
게시물ID : pony_23925짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : 머피
추천 : 12
조회수 : 269회
댓글수 : 8개
등록시간 : 2013/01/05 00:38:42

밤에는 루나죠

자주가는 사이트에다가 포스트해봤는데

정말 장문의 글로 크리틱 해주셧더라구요 정말 고마우신 ㄷㄷ

Interesting, but something is bugging me and it may be the same thing bugging these peoples: the feet, they don't seem to be there. Rather than coming to an ankle and continuing to a hoof, the legs just appear to stump off and it's very uncanny. I notice this is rather prevalent in the other pictures you posted as well, but it's somewhat hidden by the relative width of the character's legs. Luna's legs, being portrayed in a much more slender, graceful I suppose, fashion and are much more noticeable. That and on your very first post Luna's back legs seem to be doing a funky little trick with perspective where the rear-left leg would have to be connected to a position about an inch or so further back than the right leg.

Maybe I'm just reading it wrong, I'm no great expert, but it might be worth your while to red-line some skeletal anatomy over it just to see if it all still lines up. Research and reference should be used just as much as your pencils and pens. I like what you did with the tone of the paper though, it carries a very nice effect and helps establish a light source. I rather wish the shadows on the underside of Luna's body were a little bit darker to help amplify that. But now I'm just rambling, it's a pleasant piece of art none the less. ~~

이것은 이분이 본 이전에 올린 버전

그래서 작업실 다녀온후 오늘 집에서 하루종일 수정했네요

그리고 말관련 해부학을 공부할까 진지하게 고민중 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ


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