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♡코코네루 신곡 레인보우에게도 비 오는 날이 있다
게시물ID : pony_25701짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : NamU
추천 : 1
조회수 : 264회
댓글수 : 4개
등록시간 : 2013/01/13 17:35:32




What are clouds anyway
what are they what are they
in the sky for Just like me
just like me

I take a look around take a look around
up to the skies back to the ground
and I see well it's really what I don't see
somepony like me
anypony like me

It doesn't matter what they say
its ok its ok
I'll fly away now
where I'll go
I don't know

I don't know where I will go
Where I'll be with only rainbow behind me

What are clouds anyway
what are they what are they
in the sky for Just like me
just like me

I take a look around take a look around
up to the skies back to the ground
and I see well it's really what I don't see
somepony like me
anypony like me







후반부에 나오는 아리따운 목소리의 여성분은 해나 메이(Hannah May)씨입니다.

이 곡은 나중에 코코네루씨께서(어떻게 불러야 하죠 젠장) 만들 EP에 실릴 곡입니다.

나중에 나오면 제 몫까지 많이 사 주세요.... 전 신용카드가 없어서 못 사거든요




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