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게시물ID : lol_158111짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : 베니베니
추천 : 0
조회수 : 339회
댓글수 : 0개
등록시간 : 2013/01/20 21:45:28

olaf's been a bit of a bane this tourney. building full tank items on a tanky dps and still doing the insane damage. they made changes to reduce the ability for garen to do that didnt they?'

gg: azubu good win.

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35 Minutes Ago

I think Olaf was fine before, maybe because health is cheaper in s3.

시즌 3에는 체력이 싸져서 올라프가 더 좋아진듯

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35 Minutes Ago

I`m pumped :3

HousenNK??Junior Member
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35 Minutes Ago

warmog is a bit unbalanced now

워모그 OP

Teutos??Junior Member
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35 Minutes Ago

Great first game! AZB controlling the whole game, really great performance.

좋은 첫 게임이었어! 불주부가 게임을 지배했군... 정말 대단한 경기력

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34 Minutes Ago

your late qu1ksh0t! i was thinking about making a thread myself :P

쓰레드 왜케 늦게만드냐...

that was just so 1 sided from blaze, fnatic just had no answer to that nida

블레이즈에 의한 원사이드한 게임이었어... 프나틱은 니달리에게 답이 없었어

Im not sure banning nida would be the right call but maybe just trying to outpick her?

니달리를 밴 해야 될지도 모르겠어 (???)

Nagaki??Senior Member
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34 Minutes Ago

same as yesterday, I hope fnatic can back from this 

어제랑 같군... 프나틱이 이걸 갚아주면 좋을텐데


situationmvp??Junior Member
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39 Minutes Ago

lol that nida
whole game split pushing and he killed xpeke extremely easy at the end ... best player of this game NIDALEE

1CooKiee??Junior Member
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38 Minutes Ago

I think azubu will win the next game thus winning 2-0

White0wl??Junior Member
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38 Minutes Ago

Originally Posted by qu1ksh0t View Post
To win two of the skin codes I have available, you will need to predict which team will win the next game. Two lucky predictions will win a skin code!
Azubu Blaze will win the next game

LeDorv??Junior Member
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38 Minutes Ago

hmm, yea, and this time you dont need to farm warmogs so its 100% straight up, and i suppose olaf benefits from that so much more than most other champs. its still a little crazy, whats his win ratio in these tourneys?

situationmvp??Junior Member
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37 Minutes Ago

next game is for azubu 2 nd the semi for azubu xD

Nagaki??Senior Member
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37 Minutes Ago

even thouh I love fnatic, I think blaze will win.

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36 Minutes Ago

My head says Blaze

My heart says Fnatic


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