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ogrish.com 에올라온내용
게시물ID : humorbest_45797짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : 지지않는달a
추천 : 18
조회수 : 4926회
댓글수 : 5개
베스트 등록시간 : 2004/06/24 14:22:31
원본글 작성시간 : 2004/06/24 11:41:20
Korean Internet Users Launch Hacking Attacks on Ogrish.com Korean Internet users have launched "Hacking of Fury" attacks on a website, Ogrish.com, which is trying to obtain and spread the video of Kim Sun-il’s decapitation. This site posted the unabridged video of Nicholas Berg’s beheading in May. The site enraged Korean Internet users by posting an advertisement looking for video of Kim's decapitation when Kim was kidnapped. The site is posting a message on its main page that Kim has been decapitated and is asking people to send in videos or photos of Kim’s decapitation if they have them. In regards to this message, Korean Internet users have gone on collective hacking attacks on the website, saying, “We will punish a shameless website that is trying to commercialize the death of a man.” Korean Internet users have posted ways to hack into Ogrish.com on various Korean websites like DC and are making all-out efforts to bring the website down. An Internet user resentfully suggested, “Let’s hack in to hang a Korean flag on the site... Spreading a video of the beheading is to ridicule the death of Kim Sun-il.” Korean Internet users have voiced concerns that a video of the beheading may be circulated around the world and this would be tantamount to killing Kim twice. Korean Internet users said, “Let’s join hands together to prevent the circulation of the video of Kim Sun-il who was killed undeservedly.” ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 누가 해석좀해 주시오 , 한국 유저들이 해킹했다는 내용하고 Kim Sun il 이란 글밖엔 못알아보겟소 ,,분하오 ,,
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