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게시물ID : jisik_143406짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : 환도
추천 : 0
조회수 : 220회
댓글수 : 1개
등록시간 : 2013/02/17 19:33:28

제가 영어를 잘 못하는데

번역할 거리가 생겨서... 흑

To ensure the highest degree of security of OOO systems, isolate the OOO network from other network connections to as great a degree as possible.

이 문장하고

Although direct connections with other networks may allow important information to be passed efficiently and conveniently, insecure connections are simply not worth the risk;

이거, 두 문장의 해석이 약간 어색하네요

as great a degree as possible 이 '가능한 한 큰 정도' 같은데.. 어휴 모르겠다

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