on the main menu press tab until you highlight "new game" in the yellow box. then press shift+tab. then press enter. you will go to the buy screen with an obscene amount of cash. go crazy.
also, someone test this, you may be able to just press tab and then enter. there is a tab order, and it appears to be this:
New Game button Load Game button Help button xgen studios link button blank spot (starting point) Enter Cheat button
you can't see the enter cheat button at all. the only way to select it is to use tab and enter. there are 8 other codes, but i haven't been able to get any of them to work yet. developers, is the algorithm correct for checking codes? it seems bulky in the first place. i don't understand the need for a keyBuffer. make all the codes a static length, start the str variable at something like 00000000 (assuming you make the codes a length of and for every keypress, make str = str.substr(1, str.length), then str = str + keyPressedInStringForm. then linearly compare str to each spot in the array of codes. while it may not be too much faster (although it chops out a while loop) it is definitely easier to understand 너무 어렵다오... 그리고 이글이 사례라오