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미국 NBC 방송ㅣ부모들 6만천원내고 배 빌려 현장 접근
게시물ID : sisa_501767짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : 알아볼까
추천 : 28
조회수 : 1475회
댓글수 : 33개
등록시간 : 2014/04/17 22:58:31

국내 언론은 정말로 이런 사실 제대로 보도안하네요....

11 parents chipped in 61,000 won ($58.79) each to hire a boat. http://nbcnews.to/1h6h2BG

미국 NBC 방송ㅣ부모들 6만천원내고 배 빌려 현장 접근 그러나 구조활동 없음 보도

간단한 번역만 올립니다.

Anguished South Korea Ferry Families Rent Their Own Boats

괴로운 여객선 부모들 자신들 보트를 빌리다.

Anguished parents of teenagers missing on a capsized ferry in South Korea expressed frustration at the rescue effort Thursday as strong currents thwarted attempts by divers to enter the submerged vessel.

전복된 여객선에 탄 10대 실종자들의 괴로운 부모들이   잠수부들에 의한 물속에 잠긴 선박 진입 시도가 강한 조류 때문에 방해 받은 목요일 구조 노력에 좌절감을 표현했다

"If I could teach myself to dive, I would jump in the water and try to find my daughter," said mother Park Yung-suk at the nearby port of Jindo.

내가 잠수를 배울 수 있다면 내 딸을 찾기위해 물속에 뛰어들거다 라고 진도 근처 한 항구에서 박영숙 어머니가 말했다.

Almost 300 passengers remained unaccounted for more than 24 hours after the Sewol sank in calm seas. Many of the missing are were high school seniors who were on a field trip. Nine people have so far been confirmed dead in the disaster.

Teen searches for cure of rare cancer she once faced


As anger grew, some parents of the missing teens even rented their own boat in order to get to the scene, Reuters reported.

분노가커지면서, 실종된 10대 아이들의 몇몇 부모들은 현장에 도착하기 위해서 배를 빌리기까지했다.

They appeared to blame the government of President Park Geun-hye and rescue officials for not putting in enough effort.

그들은 충분한 구조활동을 하지않는 이유로 구조 당국자들과 박근혜 정부를 비난하는것이 분명해 보인다

"Since the government refused to take us to the scene, 11 parents chipped in 61,000 won ($58.79) each to hire a boat and took a reporter and a diver. But there was no rescue operation going on," said one father who declined to give his name.

정부가 우리를 현장에 데려가지 않기 때문에 11명의 부모들은 배를 빌리기 위해 각각 61,000원을 내고 기자와 잠수부를 데리고 갔다. 그러나 그 현장에서는 아무런 구조활동도 진행되고 있지 않았다 라고 이름을 밝히기를 거부한 한 아버지가 말했다.

Image: Family members of missing ferry passengersISSEI KATO / REUTERS
Family members of missing passengers who were aboard the doomed South Korean ferry look at the site on Thursday.

Navy and coast guard divers tried to enter the ship more than 10 times but were hampered by poor underwater visibility and strong currents, South Korea’s Yonhap news agency reported.

해군과 해양 경찰 잠수부들은 10번 이상이나 배에 진입할려고 시도했으나 강한 조류와 형편없ㄴㄴ 수중 시야 때문에 방해받았다.  

Diving operations were suspended altogether at around 1 p.m. local time Thursday (midnight ET) due to bad weather, officials said.

 ---- 기상악화로 모든 잠수활동은 중단되었다.......

Official on S. Korea ferry: We are ‘optimistic’


The mother of one of the dead, 24-year-old teacher Choi Hye-jung, sat on a bench outside a hospital in the coastal city of Mokpo, waiting to see her body. The victim’s father, Choi Jae-kyu, 53, told The Associated Press his daughter had been “very active and wanted to be a good leader."

Angry shouts were heard when Prime Minister Chung Hong-won visited a shelter where relatives waited for news, AP reported. Some yelled that the government should have sent more divers to search the wreckage.

"I am really angry with the government," said Kwak Hyun-ok, whose child who was among the missing, according to Reuters. “There is no meaning to life without my daughter."

- Alastair Jamieson

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